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Wecome to Hell

Sairaag Tours is proud to present our newest travel package: Hell via the Desert of Destruction!

Desert of DestructionSick of going to the beach and having to put up with that annoying ocean? We have the vacation for you!

We begin our package with a tour of the Desert of Destruction. Brave scorching sun, vicious sandstorms, and possible brass demon attacks all from the back of your ornery camel mount!

The Desert of Destruction forms the southern border of Elmekia, but is best known as the residence of the Mazoku Lord, Hellmaster Phibrizo. Take a tour of his realm. We provide the camels for the trip, but please bring your own sunscreen and water. Oasises are few and far between in this delightfully sandy country!

Make sure you say hello to the friendly neighborhood skeletons!

Desert CastleThe next stop on the tour is the Hellmaster's castle in the mountains. These flat, sandy mountains are uniquely unsuited for winter sports, so leave your skis at home!

The castle itself pre-dates the Koma War, and is one of the few castles that can truthfully make that boast. Made of imported stone, it rests on a cliff at the end of the mountains. The castle is decorated with a violently gothic flair by Phibrizo himself, and features many morbidly beautiful guestrooms that the old guests were literally dying to stay in.

Spend the night here, and be pampered by the faithful undead servants, or visit their home in the cemetary out back. Please note that holy water and stakes are strictly forbidden from the premises. Unlike the skeletons in the desert, these skeletons are here to serve.

Battlefield of BonesAfter a few days at the desert castle, we'll leave by Hellmouth to Phibrizo's other spectacular castle in the realm of the dead, Hell itself. Visit the myriad attractions of this fabulous area. Slave in the Mines of Madness, brave the Ghost-Dragon's Lair, tour the scenic Battlefield of Bones.... You can still see the old blood-stained rally-flag of Heaven's army, standing where their general's corporeal form was slaughtered during his failed attack. The Battlefield is a magic-dead area, and we ask that mages keep this in mind before entering.

No trip to Hell is complete without a visit to the famous Lavrede Lava Pits, located west of the Castle of Reblizo, Phibrizo's second amazing castle.

Castle of ReblizoCastle of Reblizo is located within walking distance of all the attractions on this brochure. It is guarded by a man-eating red dragon, so please have you tickets in hand when approaching the gate.

The castle features four towers that offer a tremendous view of the Lavrede Pits and the Battlefield of Bones. Any number of demon lords or devil princes could be visiting the Hellmaster at home here, so it's the perfect place to visit for anyone who's dreamed of meeting Asmodeus or Jubilex.

All in all, Sairaag Tours is proud to be the only ones to offer this unique and adventurous vacation package to the realms of Hellmaster Phibrizo!

Sairaag Tours is not responsible for lost belongings, eaten children, or other accidents, including but not limited to dragon flamings, demonic visitations, lava burns, life-draining, or camel bites. Please read all materials in your vacation package for details. No refunds.

Random Fact: I got the idea for this while making maps for Heroes of Might and Magic III. I was playing with the desert items. All the images were from HoM&M.