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Contact Elise


10-24-2003: New layout. Unfortunately no new content. Also, the Gentatsu shrine, Forever Blue Skies, is now sharing webspace with Phibrizo. This does not effect The Crystal Temple at all. ^_^

5-28-2003: ...Am I the only one who didn't know I was missing the links page? Anyways, added the Links page. That is all.

5-24-2003: Geez, it's been a while... I'm really sorry. Anyways, today is a real update! Not only did I tweak the layout, I added 7 new images, bringing the total to 104. I also added some tidbits to the trivia page, fixed up the fanart, finally linked some stuff I uploaded ages ago, and added the fanfiction. Sure, it doesn't sound like much now, but it took literally all day. I started working at noon Friday, and here it is, 2 in the morning on Saturday. You're lucky I love you, Phibby. Now. Bedtime!

12-11-2002: I changed my email address. Please send any mail to All the links on the pages should have been changed, but please mail me right away if you find one. Also, I want to apologize for this site being so static, but there's not a whole lot to add about Phibrizo at this point. If anyone has any suggestions as to how to improve the site, please let me know right away! As a note, I'm incredibly slow at writing fiction or finishing art myself, but I will accept contributions.

5-26-2002: Finished uploading the site to the new address. Whoo-hoo! There's new stuff in Fanstuff and the Gallery for those who have visited before. Plus a brand new layout! I haven't checked all the links, so please email me right away if any are broken. Now if you'll excuse me, it's 1 AM, and I'm frankly bored with updating this.