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Will SLC be SOL?

Does the title on this one say it all? I mean once again it seems that at best Slat Lake City will be is an 8th seed but don't count on that. It seems management is as concerned with off the court issues as on the court ones. It all leads to problems for the SLC. To Salt Lake we head put the children to bed:

As of late the Slat Lake Franchise has been critical of league officals is this frustration over an unsuccessful offseason for the team?

I have always been a proponent for fair play, and will always be vocal when things do not seem to do so. Regardless of how well or poorly my team does during the season or offseason. If it appears that another team is being taken advantage of by the league then I will be a voice for that team even if they won't be vocal themselves.

So if i get this right you claim to be the Robin Hood of the WBA?

I guess I could be considered that, but then at the same time, If we "steal" from the good teams, to give to the bad teams, that in itself is not always fair. We all like to believe that each of our organizations have a fair shot to go for a ring. And sometimes, perhaps inadvertantly things happen that do not allow a fair shot for everybody. And that is when I along with others will tend to voice our opinion on the matter.

Speaking of fair some teams got a huge break through re alignment while salt lake remains in what is probably still the toughest divison what are your thoughts in that regaurd

While I can understand that teams will move occasionally. I am very dissapointed that the league allowed such a mass exodus for this season. Numerous rivalaries that have been built up over the years are instantly gone. No doubt about it that several teams moving to the eastern conference were strictly looking to increase their chances to make the finals. I don't mind being in a tough division or conference, in the end to be the best you have to beat the best.

Teams are in camp now what have you seen from your squad at this early stage

Were still finalizing our roster, but I like how the team is coming together. While last season was with out a doubt dissapointing despite a strong start to the season, with the leadership of Bangerter and All-WBA Defensive team Parks, I think we will be much improved over last season.

I do want to stress any fines you get from this interview come out of your pocket having said that on the record the commisioner on this sight promised a tighter called wba your thoughts?

Me and the Commisioner have never had problems when he has gone with logical decisions, its when they lose that logic that I scratch my head and go huh? I am curious why the way the game is being called needs to be changed? Were there not enough fouls per team before? Some teams have won titles just by getting to the line all season long, it doesn't take a ton of skill to win that way, and so now the rules are being adjusted to help these teams? I would be curious to find out the "logic" used to determine that there needs to be more fouls called. I say let the guys play, so that the better team will win, not the better team from the line. I don't like that particular change, it doesn't make sense.

It has been a long off season with many issues and debates some with you clearly involved your thoughts as we move forward

Like I have said before, I will always be vocal in the name of fairness. Whenever I make suggestions, I try to ensure that I have thought about how it would affect the top tier teams all the way down to the bottom tier. This league is a great league, and when you care about it, you will voice your opinion regardless if other people disagree with you.

Right it is a free country I mean no team moved to cuba yet or china. realistically what do you think your teams chances are this season.

We still have some quality teams in the conference, with the likes of Oregon, Colorado, Nebraska, Cancun, Capetown etc. It's always a battle from the remaining playoff spots. I believe were a year or two away from really contending, unless the team simply gels together. We have a lot of quality players, but none that can be thought of as a superstar. I do like our chances to make it into the playoffs.

With realigment again what team are you glad to be rid of in the west and what team are you sorry to see come into the west if any?

I was sad to see Roswell/Toronto go, as now they are only good for 2 wins instead of the usual 4. But more then that, my long time rival Montana/Long Island is gone, regardless of how well our teams were doing, the games we had were always good. In fact in many cases it helped determined the others fate on who made the playoffs or not. As far any teams coming into the conference, I don't care for any of the new teams, they are not quality competition, so its tough to get new rivalries going with bad teams

Finally to avoid bias we are asking all west owners to pick a winner in the east and the same of east owners in the west so who do you like to make it throught the east to the finals?

I think Toronto will be the team that surprises everybody and makes the finals.

Seeing as I work for Toronto I won't argue that point any final thoughts as we rap things up?

Oh you mean seriously... ok I really like Paris' chances. They will be the team that most benefits from going to the eastern conference. And about Toronto, like in the west they will still be a lottery team. I look forward to this 11th season, the competition is getting better every year. The owners are more experienced. And as soon as bad teams will learn to stop trading away their top lottery picks, then we will see some of the perenial powerhouse teams brought to their knees.

Oh with all the high praise Toronto has gotten I thought it was a serious comment.

hahaha,They are only getting high praise for being the best canadien team there is.

Well we wish you luck in not getting fined and as for your team they will need it


By the way Canada's government told me they hope all your paper work is in order when you visit Toronto.

We will not go into Canada, even if it means losing by forfeit.Which at least they will get 1 win this year.

Great dinos are 1-0 we lead the league you heard it here first on


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