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Easter Soup -- Magiritsa

of a young lamb Liver, lungs, heart and intestines
juice of one Lemon
5 finely chopped Chives
1/2 cup Butter
1/2 bunch chopped Dill
6 tablespoons Rice
 Egg and Lemon Sauce

Wash liver, lungs and heart. Wash the intestine and turn it inside out, using a pencil. Rub it with salt and lemon juice and wash thoroughly.

Bring to a boil 7 cups water and put in the liver, lungs, heart and intestine. As it begins to boil, remove scum which forms on top, add salt and simmer for 30 minutes. Drain meat and cut into very small pieces.

Saute chives in the butter, in a saucepan, until soft. Add chopped meat, dill, and pepper. Cook, stirring for a few minutes. Add the stock and simmer for 25 minutes. 20 minutes before serving time add rice. Remove from heat and prepare egg and lemon sauce. Add to soup, stir well and serve very hot.