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Egg and Lemon Fish Soup -- Psarosoupa Avgolemono

3 1/2 lbs. To boil Fish
2  Eggs
2  Lemon
2 -3 Carrots
2 -3 Onion
2 -3 stalks Celery
3/4 cup Olive Oil

Clean and wash the fish, salt and pepper it then drain. Put enough water to boil the fish in a pot with onions, carrots and celery. Bring to a boil. Cook for 45 minutes, then add the fish and the oil. When the fish had cooked, remove and lay on a platter. Strain the broth through a colander and put it again in the pot. Add enough rice (1 heaping tablespoon for each seerving) and stir with a fork. When the rice has cooked, beat 2 eggs, slowly adding the juice of 1-2 lemons and some broth from the pot and pour the mixture in the pot, stirring constantly, over a low fire. Remove the soup from the fire and serve. Serve the fish separately.