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Fresh Peas With Artichokes -- Arakas Me Aginares


2 1/2 lbs. Fresh Peas
4  Artichokes
1 juice of Lemon
2 tablespoons Flour
5-6, sliced Chives
1 cup Olive Oil
1 can (1lb.) Tomato Juice
2 tablespoons Parsley
pepper, sugar Salt


Hull and wash the peas. Prepare artichokes; remove outer leaves until tender ones remain, cut off 1 inch from top and peel the base all around. Cut artichokes in half and with a teaspoon remove the choke from the centre. Drop immediately into a bowl with water, lemon juice and flour and leave for 15 minutes.

Heat the oil in a saucepan and saute onions until soft. Add tomato juice, 1 cup water, parsley, salt pepper, peas, artichokes (drained) and 1 teaspoon sugar. Cover and cook for 40 minutes or until peas and are tender and sauce is thick. Serve hot or cold.