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1 1/2 lb. Potatoes
1 cup Olive Oil
1 1/2 lbs. Ground Beef
1 fnely chopped Onion
1 minced Garlic
1 1/2 lb. Aubergines
2 tablespoons Butter
3 peeled and chopped Tomatoes
2 teaspoons Salt
dash of Pepper
2 tablespoons, toasted Breadcrumbs
3  Eggs
 Bechamel Sauce
1/2 lb. Cottage Cheese
1/2 cup Kefalotiri Cheese

Cut aubergines into 1/3 inch slices. Heat oil in a large frying pan and fry aubergine slices a few at a time, until slightly browned. Do the same with the potatoes.

Saute the meaat, onion, and garlic in the butter. Add tomatoes, salt and pepper. Cover and cook, over a low heat, for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and add breadcrumbs, 1 beaten egg and chopped parsley.

Prepare bechamel sauce; add remaining eggs and cheeses.

Butter a baking dish and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put one layer of potatoes into the baking dish. Cover with half the meat mixture. Alternate aubergine and meat mixture. Top with bechamel sauce and bake.