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Chicken Pilaf - Kottopoulo pilafi

1 -2 chickens (about 3/4 kilo each) Chicken
1/2 kilo (about 1lb.) Rice
3/4 kilo (1lb.10oz.) or 1 tablespoon tomato paste Tomatoes
1/2 cup, or margarine Butter
1 medium size Onion

Clean, singe and wash the chickens well. Cut them in portions, seasoning each with salt and pepper. Drain them well in a colander. Melt butter in a pot to saute the chickens. Add one chopped onion to the chicken and continue to saute. Next, add strained tomatoes or tomato paste, diluted with a cup of water. Add 1 cup of water and let the chickens cook for fifteen to twenty minutes. Next add the water necessary to cook the rice, counting 2 1/3 cups of broth for 1 cup of rice. Cover the pot and let all completely cook. When finished, remove the chicken pieces form the broth through a colander and return the pot to boil. In the meantime, wash the rice in the colander under running water until the water runs through completely clean. Put the rice in the broth, stir for a few seconds with a spoon, cover the pot and cook, absorbing the liquid. Then remove form the fire, place the chicken pieces over the pilaf and cover the pot with a clean towel. Set the pot cover over that and leave for ten minutes. Afterwards serve.