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Green Beans

1 kg green beans
300 ml water
1 onion, thinly sliced
200 ml olive oil
3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
500 gr. tomatoes, thinly sticed
 Clean the beans by cutting the stringy edges all around with a sharp knife,
 rinse and drain them.
 Sautee the onion in the olive oil in a saucepan, add the tomatoes and the
 beans and sautee together for a few minutes.
 Add the water (the sauce should cover the beans) and bring to a boil.
 Add the parsley and the salt and stir.
 Cover and cook slowly for approximately 45 minutes.
 They should have a thick, oily sauce at the end.
 If you want to boost the dish up you can add 2 medium potatoes or 4 carrots,sliced thinly.