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Lenten Filled Cookies -- Skaltsounia

For the Pastry: 
1/4 cup Sugar
1/2 -1 cup Orange Juice
zest of 1 fresh Orange
3 tablespoons Brandy
1/3 cup Olive Oil
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
zest of 1/2 Lemon
3 cups of all-purpose Flour
For the Filling: 
1/2 cup of golden type Raisins
1/3 cup coarsely ground Almonds
1/3 cup coarsely ground Walnuts
and lemon zest Orange
1/2 teaspoon, ground Cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon, ground Cloves
2 tablespoons Brandy
1 tablespoon tablespoon Orange Juice
confectioner's Sugar

In a bowl, dissolve the sugar in 1/2 cup orange juice, then mix with the orange zest, brandy, and olive oil. Add the baking powder, lemon zest, and flour little by little to form a soft dough, adding a little more orange juice if needed. Let it rest while you prepare the filling.

In another bowl, mix the raisins with the almonds, walnuts, zests, cinnamon, and cloves. Add the brandyand orange juice and mix well.

Flatten the dough with your hands and roll it out into a 1/8 inch thick sheet, stretching it with your hands. Cut 4 inch circles and place a teaspoon of filling in the center of each. Fold the pastry over to cover the filling and press the edges with your fingers to seal. Oil a baking sheet and place the cookies on it. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until golden. Let cool on a rack, then sprinkle with confectioner's sugar.