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150 ml olive oil

80 g sugar

4 tablespoons brandy

juice of 1 orange

½ teaspoon cinnamon

400 g self-raising flour

pinch of salt

½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda


1 teacup honey

120 g sugar

150 ml water


2 teaspoons cinnamon

      170 g shelled walnuts, coarsely chopped

Melomakarona are made by all Greek families in the week preceding Christmas.

Beat the oil and sugar well, add the brandy, orange juice and cinnamon and blend. Sift the flour with a pinch of salt and the soda and add it gradually into the oil and sugar mixture, mixing it with a spoon. Knead the dough well for about 10 minutes. If too sticky, add 1-2 tablespoons more flour and mix it well. Knead until it feels soft and pliable. Flour your hands and take egg-sized portions of dough. Roll and shape them into small oval shapes. Place on an unbuttcred baking sheet, and flatten them with the paim of your hand. Bake in a pre-heated oven, gas no. 4/ 350 grades F/ 180 grades C), for 25 minutes. Let them cool and harden for 24 hours before dipping them in the honey syrup.
Prepare the syrup by mixing in a saucepan the honey, sugar and water. Bring slowly to the boil, skim with a spoon, then simmer for 4-5 minutes. Dip the cold melomakarona in the hot syrup, three or four at a time only. Let them stand for 1 minute and take them out with a slotted spoon. Place on a decorative platter and immediately sprinkle with a little cinnamon and chopped walnuts. If they are not consumed during the next 3-4 days they should be kept in airright tins, like biscuits.
Allow two melomakarona per person!