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Stuffed Aubergines -- Melitzanes Papoutsakia

2 finely chopped Onion
1 lb. Ground Beef
2 peeled and chopped Tomatoes
1/4 cup Butter
2 teaspoons Salt
1/2 teaspoon Pepper
chopped Parsley
1 slightly beaten Eggs
1/2 cup grated Kefalotiri Cheese
2 tablespoons Breadcrumbs
2 1/4 lbs. (about 12, long and thin) Aubergines
1 1/2 cups Olive Oil
1 cup Bechamel Sauce
1 beaten Eggs
1 1/2 cups Tomato Sauce

Brown onions and meat lightly in butter, stirring constantly. Add tomatoes, salt and pepper. Cook covered for about 15 minutes. Remove from heat. Add parsley, egg, 1/4 cup cheese and breadcrumbs.

Peel an inch strip from one end to the other or each aubergine and make a cut lengthwise to within an inch of each end. (On one side of the aubergine only.) Wash and dry.

Heat oil in a large frying pan. Cook slowly, over medium heat about 6 aubergines at a time (covered) until soft and light brown, turning occasionally. Remove carefully from pan with spatula and place in baking pan, keeping cut surface of each aubergine on top. Insert knife blade into slashes and stuff with meat mixture.

Prepare one cup of bechamel sauce. Add 1 egg and remaining cheese. Pour about a tablespoon on top of each aubergine. Sprinkle with additional grated cheese and dot with butter. If desired, add tomato sauce to the pan. Bake in a moderate oven for about 35 minutes.