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Stuffed Grapevine Leaves with Egg and Lemon Sauce

1/2 lb. fresh or 1 15 oz. can Grapevine Leaves
1 1/3 lbs. Ground Beef
1/2 cup Rice
1 finely chopped Onion
2 teaspoons Salt
1/2 teaspoon Pepper
and dill, chopped Parsley
2 tablespoons Olive Oil
1/4 cup Water
1/3 cup Butter
 Egg and Lemon Sauce

Blanch fresh vine leaves, rinse in cold water and drain. If using canned vine leaves rinse in warm water and drain.

Mix ground beef and remaining ingredients, except butter and egg and lemon sauce. Place a spoonful of the filling on the stalk end of the leaf (being sure the shiny side is face down), fold over sides and roll up lightly to make a little roll, about 2 inches long and 2/3 inches wide. Continue until all the filling is used.

Place "dolmathakia" closely together in layers in a saucepan. Add butter and 3 cups boiling water. Put a plate onto the "dolmathakia" to prevent them from unrolling. Cover and cook over a very low heat for about an hour or until the water is absorbed. Serve hot with egg and lemon sauce.