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Stuffed Tomatoes -- Yemistes

10 -12 Tomatoes
2 tablespoons Sugar
1 cup Butter
1 finely chopped Onion
1/2 cup Rice
chopped Parsley
and pepper Salt
1/2 teaspoon (optional) Cinnamon

Slice a oiece from the top of each tomato and remove the pulp with a teaspoon. Sieve the pulp and set aside. Arrange tomatoes in a baking pan and sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon sugar into each one.

Heat 1/2 cup butter in a frying pan and saute onion until soft. Add ground beef and stir for a few minutes. Add rice, parsley, salt, pepper, cinnamon, and 1 cup tomato pulp. Cover and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Fill tomatoes, leaving room for the rice to swell and replace tops. Pour on remaining butter (melted) and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Pour 1 cup tomato pulp in the bottom of the pan; bake in moderate oven for about 1 1/2 hours.

Note: You may stuff green peppers with the same stuffing and bake with the tomatoes.