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1.    Name: Avery Louis

2.    Birthday: 15-04

3.    Place of birth: In a nun's convent in Southern California.

4.    Family: Grandparents: Louis and Mary-Mother: Julianne-Sisters: Julie
and Erika.

5.  How many years did you go to school? all the way up to University...

6.    What is your favourite colour? blue at the moment due its high peace
evoking qualities...but white is also one of them, because it signifies
openness and a fresh clean approach to anything..

7.    Who is your hero/heroine? Very easy, Saint Joan of Arc- who defied a
nation of regulations with stark individuality and vision.

8.    Which is the first group or artist you listened to? The B-52's self
titled album

9.    Favourite groups? Saint Etienne, Shampoo, Suede, The B-52's, Book of
Love, Duran Duran, Divine Comedy, The Go Go's, Spice Girls with Geri
Halliwell, Bjork, Sugar Cubes, Mary's Danish,  Army of Lovers, Kylie Minogue.

10.    Favourite artists? Amedeo Modigliani and Andy Warhol...

11.    Best record ever: Cocteau Twins: Heaven or Las Vegas

12.    Best song ever: life...

13.    Best song you ever made: Illicit Love Affair.
14.    Best actor: John Malkovich .   

15.    Best actress: Michelle Phieffer

16.    Most beautiful boy:  Valentino- Jude Law- Stefan Olsdal.

17.    Most beautiful girl: Audrey Heburn- Winona Ryder- Rachel Leigh Cook.

18.    Which are the best films ever made? Orlando-Room with a View-Breakfast
at Tiffany's-

19.    Which are the best mini series ever made? The Joan of Arc story.

20.    Which are the best long series ever made? Charmed-Buffy the Vampire
Slayer-The Kindred- Absolutely Fabulous-Married with Children

21.    What is your favourit food?  Food: my mother's Enchiladas- Dessert:

22.    What clothes looks good on a boy? Hip huggers, tight waist coats, ties
and sometimes stubble

23.    What clothes looks good on a girl? Strapey heels, short skirts, low
cut tops and too much lip gloss.

24.    What colour do you prefer on your nailpolish? Silver anything silver.

25.  Who is your favourit author? Bret Easton Ellis- decadent author who
relished in  depravity of  80's Hollywood.

26.    Which is your favourit book? Douglas Coupland: Micro Serfs and  The
diary of Candy Darling: My face for the world to See.

27.    Which is your favourit country? England, awe the magic resides there...

28.    Most beautiful flower: White Tullips.

29.    Who is the best James Bond? of course, Sean Connery.

30.    What magazines do you read? Vogue-Interview-Detour.

31.    Coffee or tea? Tea well fruit infusion types with out caffine

32.    Cat or dog?  Since I have both I cant say...but cats are highly
evolved moody things while dogs are full of uncoditional love...both I would
have to say.

33.    Star Trek or Star Wars? Star Wars all the way, it was always about
Princess Lea, grrrls and guns, yup yup.