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Note: The Visitors Award of Excellence is listed at the bottom. You pick the sites.

The Cold Fusion Award of Excellence is our award. It is given to one site each month (may become a week, depending on responce). The site must have the following qualities:

Fast Download. (Im a busy woman, I dont have time. Hehe.)

Quality Imaging

No broken links

Proper grammar and spelling! (I am an advanced english student, don't mess around on this one.)

Complete HTML




1.Make sure your site meets or surpases the preceeding requirements.

2.Have a friend double check and give an opinion.

3.Fix anything you need to.

4.Come back to CF and submit your site.

To submit your site fill out the contact form. I will review your site right away and record your score. I will notify the contest has ended on INDEX5. If you have won, I will proceed to display your link on this page and send you an email with a secret URL for the graphic.

la Fortuna buona!

(Good Luck)

Visitor's Choice

This award is chosen by the entire voting audience of CF. They will judge you on similar criteri to mine. This drives A LOT of traffic to your site. Display our banner (below) on your site in a prominant place so your visitors can vote for you. (You can vote for yourself too. I couldn't care less.) You can only vote ONCE a DAY. Which , is actually sort of a lot. I will be asking sites to join at times, but if I cant find your site (I most likely wont) you need to fill out the form.

Click the link below to view the current submissions.

Please select one of these banners to display on your site:\

Download: 3 sec.

Download: 3 sec

Upload the Image and Copy the Following Code: