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Gangs and Groups 



            This game is largely based around the gangs, guilds, groups, etc. To start a new gang or group first you need a registered character. To join a gang you need one as well, please read the Registered Characters page for info on doing this.


Then I will review your registration and respond to you. After I have replied confirming your registration I will add you to the active characters page.


            To join a gang or group, e-mail the leader giving some information about yourself and reasons you wish to join this gang. He/She may then immediately accept you, further question you, send you a formal application, whatever. They may simply respond saying they have no need for you in their guild.


            Currently we are in need of people to start the following groups:


·        Ninjas

·        FBI

·        Police

·        CIA

·        Drug Dealers

·        Hit Men Gang

·        Street Gangs (for example the gangs such as bloods, crips, etc.)

·        Mafias

·        Others



To start a gang e-mail He will review your request with the council. Be sure to include:


·        Gang name (or mafia family name, ninja clan name, etc.)

·        A minimum of 3 other members, and their registered characters names

·        Base location of your gang

·        Any establishments the gang runs, areas they want to control, warehouses, etc.

·        Description of your gang’s nature, and what they are about

·        Anything else you think may be important


Gangs that are approved are placed on the registered gang page. On the page there will be a short description of the gang, leader’s e-mail address, and any locations they might control


The following jobs need filling:


·        2 open seats on council

·        Need Judges for the law system


Thank you, and good luck.