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Role Playing 




            First off let me start by saying this is a ROLE PLAYING game. Please be mature, don’t take things ooc (a serious offense punishable by character termination), and try to remember it’s just a game! If some ninja whacks you, don’t take it personally. Also, characters who’s sole purpose is to kill everyone they see will not be tolerated. While more of this will be described in law and death contracts, I still thought I should mention it here. This game has a running storyline, and flows almost like a novel. The plot is set, certain things decided and you interact with it. As you change things, so does the plot. The newspaper has a run down of what is going on and what has happened recently. The first part, the storyline is meant to be taken OOC and is for new players who want to know what to expect and what they want their character being.  Now when ::doing an action:: please enclose it in the double colons ~~or double tildes~~. I find those methods to be most common. While there should not be much OOC chat, when there is ((enclose in double parenthesis)). Regular talking just write normally.


            Role points are awarded for the following tasks:


·        Purchasing an establishment

·        Successfully making 2 drug deals

·        Performing an arrest of a wanted felon

·        Fulfilling a death contract

·        Making 10,000 dollars

·        If a council member thinks you are role-playing exceptionally well, he can reward you with role points


Role points are TAKEN for doing these things:


·        Going bankrupt (lose 2 role points, then get 2,000 dollars)

·        If a council member thinks that you are acting very immature they can punish you by taking role points