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Character Skills






            Skills are affected by your rank. You may pick one skill when making your character. Once your rank reaches 10 you may dual skill. This means pick another skill to start working on. You stop progressing in your last skill, it still functions as rank 10. The other progresses at half rate, you may not dual skill mastermind.


Currently these are the available skills:


·        Drug Dealing (required if you want to deal drugs)

·        Hiding

·        Master assassin

·        Ninja

·        Mastermind – functions once a rank of 3 is achieved if you choose this skill



Drug Dealing


A lot more is described in the drugs section!


·        At rank 1, you can hold 5 units of drugs without a warehouse, any establishment you may own can hide an additional 10, while warehouses can hold 25

·        At rank 2, you can hold 5 units of drugs without a warehouse, any establishment you may own can hide an additional 10, while warehouses can hold 30

·        Each subsequent rank makes your warehouse storage go up by 5, and the amount you can hold up by 1





·        At rank 1 you can remain hidden until you say something IC, perform any IC action

·        At rank 2 you can remain hidden until you have performed 2 IC actions, however talking still reveals you

·        For each subsequent rank these numbers go up one



Master Assassin


            A master assassin has a greater chance of assassinating his enemy

·        At rank 1 a 1d3 is rolled and a 1 or 2 is success

·        Once the assassin reaches rank 5, the council will roll a 1d4 while a 1, 2, or 3 is success

·        At rank 10 a 1d6 is rolled, a 1 or a 6 is failure

·        Further ranks will not provide any additional benefit, the assassin should now dual skill





The ninja is a melding of the hiding and assassin skills. Hiding progresses as normal, except the effect is divided by 2, so at rank 4 you can perform 2 actions. Assassination does not progress the roll stays at 1d3. Furthermore a ninja MUST be in a ninja gang.





A criminal mastermind. When they fulfill a death contract, they are excellent at not getting caught. This translates into such, when the council rolls the die to check if the police discover the crime, only a die roll of a 6 will they be caught. This does not advance with rank however the option to dual skill comes earlier, at rank 5.