All weapons and ammunition reload:
During game play, press Select to enter the inventory screen. Press L1, Triangle, R2, L2(2), R2, Circle, L1 in the NTSC version of the game. Substitute the code with L1, Triangle, L2, R2(2), L2, Circle, L1 for the PAL version of the game. A sound by Lara will confirm correct code entry. This code assumes that the buttons have been left in their default configuration.
Level skip:
During game play, press Select to enter the inventory screen. Press L2, R2, L1 Circle, Triangle, L1, R2, L2 in the NTSC version of the game. Then, press Select to skip to the next level. Substitute the code with L2, R2, Triangle, L1(2), Circle, R2, L2 for the PAL version of the game. This code assumes that the buttons have been left in their default configuration.
All weapons and unlimited ammunition:
Win the game and load any saved level to access all weapons, unlimited ammunition, and additional enemies.
Play the game disc in an audio CD player. The soundtrack can be heard on track two.
Glitch: Walking and climbing with guns:
Begin game play in level 3 and go to the top of the waterfall. Go to the stream that leads down the waterfall. Face the wall on the other side of the stream at a 45 degree angle. Jump forward, and just as Lara is about to hit the wall, pull out her guns (different guns have different effects). Lara will not have time to put away her guns before she hits the wall and falls in the water. She will then be walking about with her guns in her hands and will climb as though the guns are not there.
Glitch: Hanging on to nothing:
Begin game play in level 2. Get in the tower with all the floating platforms and water. Jump to one of the platforms that fall, and grab the side. Normally when Lara hangs on a falling platform she will not cause the platform to fall. Climb up onto the platform, then quickly jump back and grab the edge. The platform should start shaking and falling, yet Lara will still be hanging on. After the platform falls, you will find that Lara will be hanging onto nothing. If you try to climb up, Lara will step upwards, but quickly fall down once she completes the move.
Have any problems with the codes or you would like to submit one? E-MAIL me.
Email: TrishStratusWF1@aol.com