Have Lara face exactly north. Enter the inventory screen and look at the compass. If the red point is not blinking slightly, try positioning her again. Go to "Load", hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up, then press Triangle right as the compass hand points directly north. Close the inventory screen to advance to the next level.
Have Lara face exactly north. Enter the inventory screen and look at the compass. If the red point is not blinking slightly, try positioning her again. Go to the small medipak, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up, then press Triangle right as the compass hand points directly north. Close the inventory screen and reopen it to see all the weapons.
Have Lara face exactly north. Enter the inventory screen and look at the compass. If the red point is not blinking slightly, try positioning her again. Go to the large medipak, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down, then press Triangle right as the compass hand points directly north. Close the inventory screen and reopen it. All weapons should now display "Unlimited ammo".
Find any block that faces north. Climb up or jump to it. Go to the inventory screen and your compass should be transparent to confirm she is facing exactly north.
This may also be done by climbing a block that faces south. Press Roll once to point exactly north.
First, start at the switch across from the reset pad. Face the reset pad and number each switch starting with the one you are at as "1" and then going left, 2, 3, 4, up to 7. Then, activate the switches in the following order: 1, 3, 2, 7, 5, 4, 6. Information in this section was contributed by Billy Meabrod.
You can save health packs by going to a different level, then coming back for health because the levels are so numerous and close together.
Save explosive ammunition (grenade launcher, Cross Bolt, etc.) for tougher opponents when fighting the skeletons by using the shot gun against them. Get the skeleton between you and a ledge and blast it. The skeleton will fall off the ledge and cease the exist. Since shot gun ammo is more prevalent in the game than the explosive ammunition, this will allow you to save it times when there are no ledges to help.
At the first obstacle of the game, jump down and pick up the skull. Instead of using the stairs (over to the left), jump, grab the ledge and press Up to quickly keep going with your trainer.