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Messages From
DJ Mindwarp

February XXV, MMII

A new project has begun: I've decided this site still has potential. I will put up interviews in MP3 format so the masses will know how their favorite artists SOUND like(other than distorted vocals anyway.)

Expect to have a few up this weekend.

August XXVI, MMI

The Audio Assault has resumed operations for a fall 2001 campaign. Broadcast time will be the same, Fridays 10-midnight, EST. on WUSC
The webpage will also be updated, since I can now log into freakin' Angelfire so I can do it.
Coming soon: new domain name so I won't have to go through the pain of not being able to update it when I have the time.
Check out the new links or added concert dates and reviews


The Audio Assault has temporarily ceased operations for the summer as I'm not at school. If you're in Columbia, continue to listen to WUSC and go to the Art Bar.
Also, now that I'm out of school with way to much free time, I'll get off my ass and get those interviews transcripted.

May I, MMI

The Revolution has begun! I bring everyone the good news that I was victorious in the station's elections. Last week, I won the position of Member At Large, which basically serves as a Senator from the DJs to the Executive Staff of the station. I also have votes for some station policies.

Also, the site is being updated and re-vitalized; the interveiws sections is finally up; be sure to check it out.

April IX, MMI


What can I say, this past weekend kicked ass. Sure, I slacked off and missed my interview with Covenant...but other than that and a few other minor difficulties, I had a rocking good time.

I'd like to give a special thanks to the swell folks at Metropolis, Jill White, Icon of Coil, their tour manager, Cut.Rate.Box, Cara and Jen for letting me crash at your pad, and everyone I met, especially the Texans who journeyed to Atlanta for a weekend of such kickass concerts.

Keep an eye out on the concerts pagefor reviews and future shows, along with the upcoming interviews section for reviews of these shows and interviews.

On the note of interviews, I'll be airing the Icon of Coil interview in the near future; that would be April 20 if all is well in the universe.

February XX, MMI>

Whine, bitch, and moan #3

This past weekend, I missed what I am sure would have been a kickass concert. Apoptygma Berzerk was playing along with God Module and Negative Format. I'd become really hyped about seeing this concert from listening to Negative Format's "Distant Pulses" CD and thinking, "Wow, this is really damned good."

Unfortunately, two weeks or so before the concert, I had to take my problem plagued car in for repairs. It was supposed to be ready a week later, when I found out the problem was much more serious, and it would not be ready in time. So, I started looking for a ride.

Ride number one was offered by my best friend's girlfriend. Unfortunately, she got sick, and did not feel up to going.

Ride number two was offered by a fellow DJ and friend, since he had just gotten his car fixed. Unfortunately, the day before the concert, he miscalculated a turn, and messed up his car again. This left me without a ride.

So, I went drinking after the show, begging many people for rides, but finding no takers. A drinking buddy of mine told me the truth of the matter: "Whoever's driving befalls some curse. Therefore, no one should drive you." This re-enforced the feeling I had gotten that I was doomed to miss the show. Which I did. At least I have Icon of Coil, And One, and Covenant to look forward to, all in one weekend.

Special Message #2:

Last night, August 14, 2000, I traveled to Spartanburg, SC, to witness the Bush and Gore Tour 2000. I had even arranged to interview the bands.

My journey was for naught due to problems with the record labels. The show was canceled, and I wasted several hours of my life and gas for next to nothing!

Click here to see more of my comments and responses to this travesty. The bands wanted to put on the show, but were unable to due to greed. Viva MP3's! Viva responsible MP3 users! A revolution is upon us... Big record labels are no longer needed! Buy used CDs from the corporate giants you happen to like whenever you can until real bands are given money to put on shows! Support your favorites!

Someone recently ripped off the right half of the "Atari Teenage Riot" bumper sticker on my car.

I am offering a reward of $50 for information that can prove who did it. The evidence excepted is photos, film, legitimate confessions, a matching 1/2 of the bumper sticker in question.

I want to know WHO did this and WHY you only took 1/2 of the sticker.

When I find you, if you beg for mercy, it may be shown, otherwise BEWARE!!!

That is all.