Transistor switching Circuit
This circuit uses a transistor to switch on an output when the input voltage exceeds 0.6-0.7V. The two multimeters connected will show the voltage at the Input (the base of the transistor) and the voltage at the output (the emitter). When the input multimeter reads >0.7V the output multimeter should register a voltage that is >0V. This circuit would be useful if a low voltage input e.g an LDR was to be used to switch on an output that would need to be ran straight off the battery e.g a Bulb. The 1K ohm resistor is used to protect the transistor at the input.
Parts List
- Multimeter (optional)
- Transistor such as BFY51
- Breadboard or similar
- Input device- LDR or switch etc
- Output device- bulb or motor etc
- 1K ohm resistor
- Single core wire- for connections on breadboard
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