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Dust Bunny Greetings, Friend Dream a little Dream for me!

The Freaky Little Hooded People

Friends are the spice of life. (And if you're like me, you're ordering the extra large glass of water, please!) This is a link and pic depository of my friends, and more recently, all the crap I've been doing lately.


This is an old pic of SpanishRose and I before she left for WA. We were working on the art car, sometime between the Armadillo car and the Fruit bowl car. We were all high as kites after SR tipped over a can of PVC Primer. Dilated eyes and everything.
Art Car Shenanigans

Ok, these are pics of up here, around base. They were taken over the last two years by SR and her hubbie. The first is of Mt Rainier in the distance. Next is a shot of the front of the house. (We're the one w/the flag decoration.) Next to it, is a shot of the view from the front door. The last are the trees that are a block from the house. It was taken during the winter. And just to show that there are duckies, (ok goslings), a shot of a new batch taken last spring. (Just for you mom!)

This is Pike Place Market. (like the sign didn't explain enough...)The next two are shots around the area.

Steillacoome. Now I know where I want to get married, grow old and die... Both of these shots were at the same park.

The capitol building of Olympia, (the capitol of WA) as seen from a park.

Lewis and American Lake

Lewis Lake
American Lake

Nisqually River, in the "back yard" of the base. These are views taken from the bridge that crosses the river, looking both ways, and the last is just a shot of water passing over the rocks.

Nisqually River
Nisqually River Nisqually River

All of these shots were taken by SpanishRose, over the past two years.

5/16/04 The $2 afghan I bought at the Flea Market:

Back to the Institution with You! --Nice and informative on the weird side –Wild collection of jokes and such --Milder and less publicized version of the above --What happens when you cross animals and appliances? Sick, man, sick…

The lunch table from hell—just check it out, written by my good buddy Father Goose.

Music--It keeps me going.

Free-greetings--To keep in touch with those Freaky Little Hooded People

Interesting...--someone I know from college...

Eden's Garden--Great links...

That's the only place for Dreamers! Take to the stars!



Excerpts From My Journal


10:45pm--> Echo of something I meant to say: Did I forget to mention you?/ The way the sky looked upon your shoulder? The way your song mixed so pleasantly/ with your smile?/ Did I forget you in my quest for suggestions on characters & what to do with/ them & myself? / Did I forget you when the sky fell and / I stood there gazing lovingly at it/ wishing I could go outside and play for one second of sunshine/ But of course sunshine(me)rain(loving)[(you)knew that]/ Of course you did. So many songs and sonnets left to mock in my satirical devotion towards them/ So close to me are they / I keep them locked up in you--my thoughts crystallized in a hyroglyphic formation called WORDS/ ANd the songs of a thousand shattered memories false or sour notes/ clear & echoingly silent- locked in a tome with no key / Nor even a lock does it have--> Who can unlock indifference? Noone cares---> so my secret, my sweet lies safe. Well, whatever that thing is :o)

Senior Crush

forever goodbye I say to you

We never met so there's nothing to lose

We never hated You never cared

This is a a one-sided conversation That you and I have shared

And so I end this wordless chatter Let the silence sink deep

For Unrequited likeness I cry myself to sleep

And so it's over The story never began

We ended as aquaintences A little nothing-friend

And it sounds good And it makes me free

So annoyingly cute yet it makes you happy

So who am I to stand in your way

Goodbye to you There's everything left to say

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The Institution Gettin' Freaky The Mausoleum