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Attendance:  Regular attendance is required.  Students are responsible for all material covered in every class.  Students who miss more than three class periods are subject to institutional withdrawal from the course.  

Lab assignments:  All lab work and other projects and assignments submitted for grading must be in separate folders. A Lab grading sheet must be included with work. Work needs to be organized, well-labeled (name, crn, chapter #, lab #, etc), and in a logical, sequential order or points will be deducted.  Students must carefully follow all directions for lab assignments. Work not in appropriate folders (with pockets) or in unlabeled folders will lose points.  All work is to be turned in at the start of class on the due date. Late Labs will have points deducted.  You will need to have enough folders so that you have your work ready to be turned in at the beginning of class.  Previously submitted folders may be returned later in the period or during another class.  Work turned in at the end of class is considered late. Reading assignments are the responsibility of the student and are highly recommended.  Academic honesty is required.

Homework: Homework must be submitted before class begins on the day it is due.  Late Homework can receive at most 50% credit, but DO NOT submit homeworks early.          

Exams:  No makeup exams.  If you fail to attend class and take a scheduled exam, you must either provide a formal doctor’s excuse, or obtain my approval prior to the scheduled exam date.

Presentations: Group presentations must be completed on schedule.  These are graded individually.  Each member of the group must turn in their individual paperwork per instructions.  These should also be in two pocket folders, clearly labeled with name and crn.       

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