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Extra Credit Conversion Exercises

You may want to wait until the third week of class to do these conversion exercises…

You may want to wait until the third week of class to do these conversion exercises….  We will be covering them in class during the first four class periods.  Copy this page and turn it in with your final answers in a two pocket folder. A scantron is not necessary for this assignment.  You must show your work on all conversions to receive full credit!!!   This page of exercises must be in a two pocket folder with your name clearly visible.      

  1. Convert the following binary numbers to decimal:
        a.)  11111



    b.)  101101



     c.)  1100011


  1. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary:

a.)    47

b.)   358

c.)    1023


  1. Convert the following hex numbers to decimal:

a.)    CAB

b.)   B00


  1. Convert the following decimal numbers to hex:

a.)    64,206

b.)   16,383



Conversions Resources...

Binary Page
Mike Huffmans Binary Pages
More on Binary Numbers
Hexadecimal Numbers
ASCII Character Chart with Binary, Decimal, and Hexidecimal Conversions, and more!
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