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Lab Four....Creating your Web Page

          This is a great lab!  You will be amazed how easy it is to create web pages.  You ARE NOT allowed to use any type of web-creation program for this lab.  You must write the html with the Boxer text editor as instructed.and complete the Pre Lab, Fill in all blanks on the cover page, and include both printouts per instructions.  Be sure to proofread your html and test your links.  You are welcome to look at the efforts of previous students who are published in our class website, but do not assume they did the assignment correctly.            There are up to seven points extra credit! 

2-points for Publishing to a URL, 2-points for adding an animated graphic, 2-points for effectively adding sound,  and 1-pont for adding effective Meta’s  

           Make certain that you turn in the paperwork as required for extra credit.  You must also turn in the printouts as required.  Make certain your URL is legible! I will publish all student pages with URL’s on our website.  If you do not do the extra credit and would still like your site published on our web page, please turn in your index file on a disk.



Resources to help with Lab Four:  Creating a Web Page....


Beginning HTML

A Barebones Guide to HTML


HTML Primer - Print Version

Adding sound


HTML Primer

Adding Animations to a Website


HTML Tutorial



HTML reference sheet


htmlGEAR - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

Java Tutorial...for further enhancements of your webpage
Tuneup your Web Page!
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Sample Student Web Pages!
