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Cis-Service Learning Project Overview

Cis-120 (Computer Concepts One) Community Service-Learning Project Guidelines

          If you are adventurous and a self-starter, to satisfy your group presentation project you may complete between ten and twenty hours of
volunteer work at a social-service agency, community resource, educational institution, or a nonprofit or governmental organization.  Your
participation in this project will contribute to your community and fill a need for the organization.   You will get to do something meaningful,
and learn how computing- related activities occur in real world work environments.  You will need to be flexible.  Your experience can lead
to new job skills, a letter of recommendation, a career possibility, expansion of your resume, and new social skills. 
          Your key contacts/sponsors are aware that you are studying Introductory Computing concepts and understand you have only a limited
amount of time to invest.  .  These organizations operate with limited budgets and staff and will appreciate your professionalism and commitment. 
The staff and their clients will depend on you. 

Each student will be provided with a packet at the beginning of the second week of the term.  This packet includes three forms, three flyers,
and a service learning project placement guide. 
The *three forms that must be turned in to receive credit are:  (*  three forms are also available online)

1.                            The volunteers must meet with their supervisor and both the student and the site supervisor are to sign a
Service Learning Agreement form.  This agreement must be turned in to your instructor no later than the
end of the third week of the term.  

2.                            The second form required is  

.  This form is to be filled out by the site supervisor. 
The completed form must then be placed in a sealed envelope and the supervisor is to sign across the seal. 
This form must be turned in to your instructor no later than specified each term.

3.                            The third and final form is the Student’s Evaluation of the Service Learning Placement. 
This should accompany your presentation paperwork or be turned in by the date specified in class.

In addition to these three forms, each participant must complete a Power Point Presentation as described on the
Service Learning Assignment Page on Our website. The Presentation Guidelines are detailed under “What you must include in your presentation.”

Enjoy your adventure!   



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