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Service-Learning Agreement
Portland Community College

The Service-Learning program at PCC is committed to building communities and
            enhancing students’ personal growth and attainment of their goals by integrating
            community service with academic courses. By connecting courses with local  
            issues and organizations, faculty give students the opportunity to reflect on social
            problems and solutions and to apply course learning as community members.


Due Date: No later than Friday, second week of the term

Course:Cis-120 Computer Concepts One

Service hours required: at least 10

PCC Instructor:  Timothy Flanagan

Instructor’s phone: (503) 697-1670 (1pm-4pm Monday Through Thursday
Instructor’s email: or


Learning objectives:  Your participation in this project will contribute to your
                 community and fill a need for the organization.  You will get to do something
                 meaningful and learn how computing-related learning occurs in real-world
                 work environments.

Student to fill out:

(Student name – printed)  _______________________________________________
(Student address)_____________________________________________________
(Student phone)______________________________________________________

(Student email)_______________________________________________________

Community Site to Fill Out:
(Community site – printed)______________________________________________

(Site address)________________________________________________________
(Site phone)______________________________
(On-site supervisor – printed)________________
(Supervisor’s e-mail) _____________

Please read this document in full before signing
(Student signature) _____________________Date _____________
(On-site supervisor signature)______________________________________________


Staff Contacts

Mailing Address
PO Box 19000, Portland, OR 97280-0990
Jennifer Alkezweeny, Partnership Coordinator
SY CC 221, phone: 503.977.4419, fax: 503.977.8129,
Tom Huminski, Faculty Coordinator
SY CT 219, 503.977.4636,
Carmen Martinez, Rock Creek Campus Representative
RC 7 202, 503.614.7417,
Diedre Cain, Cascade Campus Representative
CA SSB 101, 503.978.5233,

or Tim Flanagan,  Instructor:  CIS-120


Return agreement to instructor by the above due date.
Please read Page Two (This is page one of two) 

The Student Will:

1. Be responsible for the agreed service hours. Call ahead if you will be
    late or unable to attend a scheduled service shift.

2. Follow all policies of the site, including health and safety precautions and confidentiality.

Do not go beyond the scope of assigned responsibilities. Use judgment in
   refusing risky or inappropriate requests and situations.

Do not work in a room alone with a child or other client, or transport a
   child or other client, unless screened and cleared by the site.

Follow all confidentiality and reporting policies at the site.

We recommend that students carry health, accident, and auto insurance, as

   they are not covered under any college insurance policy.

3. Inform the site supervisor of the learning objectives for the service-
    learning course, in order to connect your experience with the course.

4. Notify the supervisor and/or the instructor of any concerns or changes.

The Community Site Will:

1. Provide position descriptions, outlining expectations.

2. Provide orientation to the program and appropriate training for the position.

3. Provide necessary space, equipment, and materials for the student to function effectively in the position.

4. Have clear risk management and personnel policies and procedures in place, and include these in student training.
    We recommend that the community site have volunteer accident and liability coverage. If students
    are involved in transporting children or clients, they should be covered by the community site insurance policy.

5. Provide a supervisor to guide and evaluate the student. Clarify procedures  for the student to report problems,
    to get assistance, or to make suggestions.

6. Relate the student’s service assignment to the course learning objectives, keep a record of student hours, and
    complete an evaluation form provided by PCC.

7. Notify the student and/or the instructor of any concerns or changes.

The PCC Faculty Member Will:

1. Approve the service-learning opportunity and provide written learning bjectives for the student to take to the site.

2. Orient students to the purposes of service-learning, its relation to the course and the importance of commitment
     and respect at the service site.

3. Stress the importance of students’ finding placements at the beginning of the quarter.

4. Ensure a solid service-learning experience by providing opportunities for students to reflect on their service and
    integrate it with the course.

5. Notify the student and/or the site supervisor of any concerns or changes.


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