All Presentation Topic Selections for:
(student name on line)
Choose Three Topics, and label them One, Two, and Three according to your interest level. Service Learning is the only topic which does not require research.
- _____Service Learning!
- _____Software or Programming Demonstration
- _____Networking, Data Transmission, & Communications Links
- _____Visual Communication & Computers
- _____Audio Communication & Computers
- _____Artificial Intelligence: Areas of study, future projections, etc.
- _____Security and Privacy: Viruses, Worms, Hackers, Ethics, etc.
- _____Cutting Edge: Expert Systems, Robotics, Virtual Reality, Future.
- _____The Internet and the World Wide Web: History, Present, Future
- _____Computers, the Internet, and Business
- _____Computers, Word Processing, and Desktop Publishing
- _____Database Management Systems
- _____Systems Analysis and Design
- _____Resources and Tips on Web Page Creation
- _____Cis Careers: Two and Four Year Degrees
This page must be copied and turned in no later than September 25 for students in 10am M&W (crn # 40118), and no later than September 26 for students in 2pm Tu&Th (crn # 40123). Make three selections and mark each selection with a number. (one, two, and three) You may not get your first choice, so be sure you choose three topics that interest you. Make certain to put your name at the top of the page where indicated. Thanks ~OO~
Presentations Page
Main CIS-120 Page
*Service Learning Project Details