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Membership Application for:
Local 2277, Portland Community College Faculty Federation, AFT, AFL-CIO

Tell us how to get in touch with you:       



Home Phone


Street Address
City, State, Zip
Campus Address & Department
Campus Phone
Campus E-mail
What is your association with the college?
Full-Time Faculty Full-Time Academic Professional
Part-Time Faculty Part-Time Academic Professional 

What concerns do you have?


Enter any comments or specific questions in the space provided below:


Yes, I want to join local 2277, Portland Community College Faculty Federation /AFT, AFL-CIO and show my commitment to positive changes in working conditions.  I authorize Portland Community College to deduct from my paycheck the appropriate amount of monthly membership
dues, as designated by the Treasurer of the PCC Faculty Federation.

 If you choose, print, sign and mail form SY-ST 01 Campus Mail,
       or click below to e-mail, and PCCFF will contact you. 

Copyright © 2003-2004 [ PCCFF / Local 2277 / AFT/ AFL-CIO].
All rights reserved.  Revised: 12/07/06Timothy Flanagan