Finally finally! A new message!
My page is up and running!! It's not this site, obviously, but a personal site containing only my artwork and writing. Please click the banner below to access it!
-=destiny's poolhall=-
See, this page will be the fanart archive for those who cannot archive their art anywhere else. I mean, you can always post a Kefka fanart at an FFVI webpage... or a Quina fanart at an FFIX fanart page.. but where can you put up ALL your fanart or original art (er... besides Elfwood, I suppose!) in your own personal section? Also, fanfiction and poetry or any sort of writing will be allowed to be posted in your section, if you go that way. So, this is the way for those of you out there who can't, or are too lazy, to make a webpage to still have your talent recognized! Beautiful, no? So, if you are interested in this glorious upbringing, you still need to mail me as I'm still the webmistress as of now. On the side, there, you can e-mail the soon-to-be new webmistress, Ivy if you want but PLEASE don't send her any requests to join Apollo's Apprentices! That stuff goes to me and only me until further notice. I'm looking forward to this project getting off the ground, and I hope you are, too! Thank you again for all your support in this difficult time, and for being a fan!
Amy King |