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Date Completed: Spring '01
Unlike most previous "pipes" pictures, this one shows my first real foray into the 3rd dimension. Previous "pipes" pictures had been flat, with the actual piping not straying very far up into the foreground or back, if it did at all. However, it does still remain "in-bounds", not breaking the barrier of the edge of the page.
As you may have guessed, this picture took shape around a hasty work schedule I'd written down, leaving far too much of the paper unused. Also, you can see the influence of that favorite arcade game of mine, Dance Dance Revolution beginnging to creep into my work.

Date Completed: Spring '01
"Pipes" drawings subequent to the "schedule" one did not merely show influence by my interest in Dance Dance Revolution so much as an outright invasion. Rather than simply filling spaces with pipes, tanks and tubes, I also wanted to work on character designing and rendering. Well, dancing lends itself as good as anything else as an excuse for creative poses.
The "pipes" pictures with people in them show a departure from another convention of my previous ones: As well as going deep into three dimensions, they also have pipes that disappear off the page.

Date Completed: Spring '01
With this "pipes" picture, I carried third-dimension expansion a step further, trying to fill in as much white space as possible without actually losing one thing behind another. This I achieved mainly by placing great big tanks or pipes beyond the main mass, so that they would show up well, rather than add confusion (wouldn't want to add confusion in a "pipes" piece, no siree) or, worse, have tubes seem to join together or get lost one-behind-another or fade into an obscure jumble.

Date Completed: Spring '01
Yet another departure from previous "pipes" work; as well as being somewhat more sparsely populated than the previous, it also features a girl dancer. Only half-jokingly, I dubbed this piece "Ben Can Draw a Girl" because of my long-time struggle to master the human form, especially the female human form.

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