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The Onion, BBSpot and SatireWire
The Onion, BBSpot and SatireWire deliver wonderfully biting satires of modern news, along the same lines as Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update" segment. Even if you've seen the latest Onion or BBSpot articles, you can read through past materials in their archives.
Notes: These are different sites which I display together due to the similarity of content. SatireWire does not get updated quite as often as the others.

Jump The Shark
It's a moment. A defining moment when you know that your favorite television program has reached its peak. That instant that you know from now on... it's all downhill. Some call it climax. We call it jumping the shark.

Intuitor: Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics
A site dedicated to the study of and ranting against idiotically unrealistic physics in movies. It's good for a laugh, and it even has reviews of different movies with examples of bizarrely stupid physics gaffes. The poetic licenses routinely taken in Hollywood are quite well explained. Exploding cars, flahing bullets, and other things that can't happen in real life, are explained so well that you will be scoffing, shaking your head in disbelief and annoying your friends during movies in no time!

There are individuals who have accidentally fallen through windows without sustaining serious injuries. There are also people who have survived the Ebola virus. However, in both cases the odds are not particularly good.
--The Intuitor on jumping through windows safely.

Note: You don't have to be an annoying scoffer to enjoy this site! Actual education about things like gasoline vaporization and firearm safety can be learned here. Transformers news updated almost daily, plus archives, media. . . lots of stuff! With over a dozen regular contributors to the content, is a great place to get updates about the Transformers scene, whether it's toys, shows, conventions or other miscellaneous stuff.

A humble directory listing of some very cool retro Transformers graphics.

Nightwing's Transfan Asylum A website by Nightwing, featuring, among other things, some very interesting nonfiction essays about Transformers.

Dan's Robot Art Well, the name isn't catchy, but he's got some really cool, professional-looking Transformers character art.

CILBOX A blog belonging to Tabris. Fun to read, and plenty of Transformers-related stuff. Check out the fan-created Transformer concept art.

flier miles
A website by Lex, featuring her anime/Transformer artwork and Transformers-related links.

FoundryDX: Robotic LEGO Manifestations
Have you ever wished you had the time to dig out all the LEGO pieces you ever owned and just go crazy and build some totally amazing stuff? Well, maybe you can get your fix at this site. Focusing on giant robot designs from popular series like Gundam, Macross/Robotech and Transformers, the people at FoundryDX do absolutely amazing things with LEGO stuff. Plus, they're actual articulated, reasonably-sized models, not the huge, static heaps of bricks you see in LEGO publicity photos.

You can also get instructions on how to build cool giant robot models, view shots of others' submissions, and follow links to other serious LEGO fanatic sites. This ain't Mindstorms. It's better.

Fun with Japanese toys! Great photo galleries and reviews, writings by the staff and more! A very pretty site for lovers of big mecha models and monsters.

Takara Toys
Takara is the company responsible for the decades-spanning epic group of toy lines, Transformers! See photos, pictures and other neat stuff at their main Japanese web site!
Notes: This site is in Japanese