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Jessica's Forest Of Fairies

I dedicate this page to my niece Jessica,

she's 3 years old.


I don't get to see her much,

because she lives with her mom. And I don't know

what she likes. I think of her like a fairy, cute &

graceful, so that is why I chose the Fairy

theme for this site.

We love you Jessica

~Clarissa, Dion, Cheyanne, & Jake

Jessica's Favorite Web Pages

Fantastic Fairy Links

Fairy Pictures #1!!

Fairy Pictures #2!!

Fairy Pictures #3!!

Fairy Awardz Recieved

Fairy Awardz Page 2

Fairy Awardz I Offer

Gifts recieved

Adopted Fairies


Family of Fairy Links

Here is my banner to link to me...

Link to

Thank-You Magrobor for this lovely banner

Please Vote For Me At One Of These Sites

Here's a gift for you, no link required but, would be nice.(It was made at web guru's)

Click on certificate to get yours today

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!