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Social Linx Index to Issues Greetings in Fullosia The Arthurian Legend IF ALL MEN WERE ANGELS Introduction to Fullosia American Standard Jive Military Police Blotter John Lennon: IMAGINE Pokemon Poll Inditer On Line Press Cheerio Guestbook

"If libraries were open as late as bars we'd be drunk on learning."

Rockaway Park NY 18 October 2000, John Davis Collins, editor
The home of philosophy,,,"Betwixt and Between" since 1971
News: Holy Hillery! Dems Spend $30B on Hill's Senate seat, Arab counter-attack sinks US vessel, Cream puff debate in US Prez Race
About the RPPS

The Rockaway Park Philosophical Society was formed by three friends in 1971. Its mission is to spead the true philosophy expressed in the Fullosia. The Society says it exaults the mundane and ridicules the exalted in conformance with the teachings of Rene Chateau Briand who scorned philosophers who prattle about life but don't know how to act in a dime store." The Society encourages and promotes American culure and a new national language American Standard Jive. Read more about The Society

    RPPS Holloween October 2000 Edition

  • Hill launches $30B into Campaign

    Hill in her quest to leave the White House for the Hill has massed, according to reports in the Establishment Press $30 billion dollar campaign chest to fight an unknown opponent.

    This is the highest price paid for a Senate seat in the history of the US Senate. Certainly the Hill will receive the Hill deserving of the title "Madam of the Big House."

    Meanwhile Hill's campaign has not been without its burdens on bustling New York City.

    As Red sympathizers open their wallets for the First Madam, Feds continue to pour FBI and secret service into the up-Hill battle. "If they put another G-Man behind the G-string girl Manhattan Island might sink," locals have been quoted as saying.

    Even so the hardy folk of New York blase as they are to all manner of inconvenience report they are tiring of the ever increasing police check points on the streets.

    "They act like they expect the French Revolution!" locals snicker as plants stopped at the check point orate praises of the protection heightened surveillance brings.

    Could Hill be the American Austrian?

    "Holy Hillery!"

  • Arabs Counter-Attack: US Ship sunk

    A US Navy ship was sunk off a Yemeni harbor in an apparant counter-attack by Arabs. The Establishment press reports few casualties, but it is believed all hands were lost. Despite claims of all sorts of sophisticated surveillance equipment in possession of US forces, an Arab Tug pulled alongside the USN vessel and blew it to pieces. Will this lead to the 4th or 5th war of this administration?

    "Surpisingly, the usually bellicose President Clinton has been unheard-from!"

  • Cream Puffs Debate

    Meally mouthed Texas Governor GW Bousch was hardly tall in the saddle when he traded patty-cake with Al Gore in an uninspiring debate, arguing which of the two would best carry out President Clinton's works.

    With "this" and "that" as the major party candidates, informed observers now fear that the white house would remain a cat-house.

    Opposition candidate Patrick Buchanan put forward his first TV advertisement, advocating an English only Law to stem the tide of cultural fragmentation.

    It was good Mr Buchanan was not included in the debate. "This" and "That" might have been required to speak to an issue other than how much they like Bubba Bill.

  • Soc-Webb To Spruce After Being Bolted by Change

    Following our host''s rule change, The RPPS revised its sites to conform to a new dictat that images from sites may not be linked on other servers.

    Regrettable most of the RPPS images were moved to

    Bolt has relocated its member pages. This means that an "X" may appear instead of the picture. Thus on RPPS' Arthurian Report an "X" appears instead of the Arthurian court.

    The revision of off-Angelfire Soc-Webb sites will shortly begin.

  • Inditer dot com 's Political Debate

    As usual Bill Loeppky the witty, hard hitting editor of the Internet's leading literary Ezine THE INDITER previously named Prince Regent of the RPPS in Canada and beleaguered philosopher of 1999 and who was granted the high and extraordinary degree Doctor of Fullosophical Studies and whose efforts won him the acclaim of the famed Bibliotek Nationale du Canada is enjoying American politics from a distance with publishing several satirical repartees in the renowned Inditer .

    The Inditer and Dr Bill live up to the societal command to exalt the mundane and demystify the sublime.

    But can Bill explain why the Hockey Hall of Fame is the Hall of Fame in English and "The Temple of The Renowned" in French?

  • The Rebels Yell

    The Alcoa plant in North Carolina has struck the Rebel Colors to the consternation of the entire Southland. According to news from the Carolinas, Alcoa management will not allow the Red-White and Blue saltaire cross to be displayed on vehicles entering its property. Union officials at the affected plants accuse management of enacting rules to forster unrest.

  • In this issue
    This is of course the RPPS October-Holloween issue. And Holloween is the spooky time of year as they days get shorter and the leaves fall in the brisk breezes of autumn. It's a favorite time for Spooky Stories and Mysteries.

    1. Don Grant Deman: Harpie Prequel:

      Grant Deman of Royston, BC who recently emerged in the art of the nightmarish tale has reached a new height with his eerie bird pouncing from on high in Harpie Pre-Quel.

      Everytime Grant DeMan The Canadian O'Henry puts out a new piece, we suffer not a sense of disappointment over coming to the end of a marvelous story but the expectation that from far up in the Canadian tundra, the nationally recognised will send us an even better one.

      The humble pages of Inditer dot com edited by Bill Loeppkey, have again in their good grace graced us with Don Grant Deman's latest work Harpie Pre-Quel, as a powerful introduction to the Harpie legend with all its shades of Poe's horror, O'Henry's irony and Hichcock's moralism. This is a splended piece of work, a morality without a sermon, well worth reading.

      Read Harpie Pre-Quel now on

      With typical modesty Don Grant Deman replies: To be the Canadian Chocolate bar or to just have the muchies!

    2. Editors Choice: THE RPPS Goes Looks for a Chilly Mystery

      The Pumpkin Papers

      This is the RPPS October-Holloween Special and as the leaves are falling we should be out raking or at least curling up with a good book--- preferably a mystery.

      Recently I've taken my browsing to "Odd-Jobs," a junk store created by the consolidation and franchising out of junk merchants "Odd-Lots" and "Job-Lots" of New York City.

      Many interesting Titles which did not sell at more sophisticated markets land on Odd-Job's dusty shelves at fractions of their original price.

      There I found unloved and up for sale Peter Benchley's Great White Shark at $1.99. ($2.50 Can). For 16 bits, what a bargain!

      Benchley is of course the author of JAWS an adventure not quite bordering on the Hemmingway level and a moral paradox with shades of the moral paradoxes pondered by Hendreik Ibsen and Arthur Miller in their versions of An Enemy of the People. But for popular American literature Jaws enjoyed a certain literary superiority above the usual papercovered trash.

      Regretably Great White is the fish that should have gotten away. Benchley posits a sea-creature so mean that only the Nazis could have invented and so ravenous that the monsters of the deep give flight. In engrafting his fish tale onto the tired strands of World War II propaganda yarns, Benchley produced a whale of a tale that even the most ravenous anti-fascist couldn't swallow hook line and sinker.

      The horror in Great White is that it ever floated past The First Reader's Desk.

  • In The Zines

    1. Gunvor Skogsholm: Poetry Form

      Gunvor Skogsholm, MA gave the Poetry Forum's Golden Award to JD Collins poem in short story forum Time Passages.

      A short version of Time Passages appears in The Inditer on Line Press.

      Poetry Forum/Short Stories Bi Monthly 5713 Larchmount Dr, Erie PA 16509

    2. PTP Pubs:Perry Terrell

      Perry Terrell the recipient of the RPPS Beleaguered Philosopher Award in 1996 when several months of jury duty forced PTP to suspend operations writes of a poetry contest in the work.

    3. Iconoclast:Phil Wagner

      Phil Wagner of The Iconoclast reports that he is on jury duty in the United States District Court at Foley Square. Nonetheless this will not interrupt The Iconoclast's plans to publish #63 and #64 on schedule. #64 is rumoured to be carrying a book review authored by Don Grant Deman.

      Phil does not believe in the world of Bill Gates. snail mail address:
      1675 Amazon Road Mohegan Lake NY 10547-1804

      Lost Hunters

      Deanne Devine
      On sale now at ReadersNetwork Http://
      A contemporary blend of supernatural and spiritual fiction in the tradition of Frank Peretti's The Oath, Lost Hunters reminds us that evil has a powerful counterpart.

      Lost Hunters

      Creepy nightmares and Holloween go hand in ghoul.

      There is something creepy about Woody. It could be his cold eyes, his chipped nose, or the way he, a discarded department store mannequin, manages to get from place to place. Creepy indeed, but wait until his friends get to town.

      Lost Hunters by Deanne Devine puts a modern twist on the ghoulish legend.

      John Barker is back in Miltonville. Once every generation, Barker is given a chance to kill one special person, to set loose his wicked soul on earth. It’s all part of a game set up by the Wethacanwee, the laughing ghosts who captured a living Barker and now held him to a set of undefined rules.

      Each previous attempt at freedom has ended with an embarrassing mistake, but times are changing. The ghosts are becoming lax with him, giving away secrets, dropping clues. Barker is learning the game, and this time out he knows the landscape, he knows his prey, and when he catches her, he will know how to dispose of her. What could possibly go wrong? Plenty. What awaits in John Barker’s path are nosy neighbors, meddlesome police, a possessed mannequin, his whiny mistress, and Ed Philips, a man old beyond his years who has been waiting for Barker’s return. A man who has studied Barker’s patterns. A man who is also learning the rules. A man who knows this is his last opportunity to finish the game. John Barker is about to learn there is nothing quite so desperate as a frustrated old man.

      Patriot Counter Attacks

      For those summer soldiers there is still the patriotic gore:

      Read The Patriot Counter Attacks

  • The Fullosia

    From The FULLOSIA

    RPPS FULLOSIA Dictionary

    1. Pun-manship
      being very phunny.

    2. Turkeys
      "Turkeys, whether wild or domestic, look to me like vultures. They are carnivores and will devour their own young if given the chance. That is why undesireable people are often referred to as being turkeys.

      I will nominate the word turkey for the American Standard Jive dictionary as being a word to describe undesireable people, those with less than
      average intelligence and politicians. Perhaps to include politicians would be redundant as they are both undesireable and have less than average intelligence. Calling them turkeys would be oxymoronic." ---d'apres Bill Loeppkey

    3. Yahoo
      follower of a Turkey.

    read Fullosia Dictionary

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