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"If libraries were open as late as bars we'd be drunk on learning."

Rockaway Park NY 2 January 2001, John Davis Collins, editor
The home of philosophy,,,"Betwixt and Between" since 1971
News: High Court Elects Bush 5-4, Senate Ruffled as Hill Entourage Occupies Capitol Hill, Gore Conceeds, Asks for Reconciliation, General Powell to Head New Cabinet, ,,, Holy Hillery!
About the RPPS

The Rockaway Park Philosophical Society was formed by three friends in 1971. Its mission is to spead the true philosophy expressed in the Fullosia. The Society says it exaults the mundane and ridicules the exalted in conformance with the teachings of Rene Chateau Briand who scorned philosophers who prattle about life but don't know how to act in a dime store." The Society encourages and promotes American culure and a new national language American Standard Jive. Read more about The Society

    RPPS New Beginnings January 2001 Edition

  • Splitting Hairs

    The Supreme Court, ending the continuing dispute over the Florida electors certified to George W. Busch Jr, elected Bush President in a 5-4 decision. In the wake of the much criticized decision, President Clinton reluctantly recognized the Texas Governor's proto-cabinet and has allowed a transition team to take over the government. Al Gore accepted the outcome in a moving speech.

    This closes the melodrama. The only point of excitement in the otherwise uneventful presidential race was the outcome. During a muddled campaign, Bush and Gore locked horns only in avoiding major of controversy: tidal wave of immigration to the endangered status of the English language. Yet, electorate divided evenly and regionally into polarized hostile camps with Bush and Gore supporters clashing in the streets.

    By taking the election out of the hands of the electorate, in a bitterly divided party line, the Supreme Court according to some constitutional scholars endangered its position as the perceived final and just arbiter of all disputes.

    Though trailing his Democratic opponent by over 200,000 votes, Bush tenuously clung to a few hundred vote margin plurality in Florida, the pivotal state in the Electoral College. Recounts in Florida were eroding Bush's hold in Florida until the Supreme Court halted recounts and gave the presidency to Bush.

    Gore called for reconcilliation and healing in a moving speech which was punctuated by quotes from the legendary orator Stephen A Douglas and allusions to Abraham Lincoln.

    In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision. Gore officially threw in the towel and Gore acknowledged defeat in a beautiful speech which deserves to be remembered for oratorial excellence. Addressing the acerbic schism between rival camps which followed in the wake of a milk toast campaign, Gore urged "Healing of wounds," Despite Gore's plea for reconciliation, some Democratic renegades waged a brief campaign to get Republican Electors to change their votes. The only defecting elector however was one of Gore's who refused to vote in protest of the District of Columbia's lack of representation in Congress.
    Holy Hillery!

  • To Dis or Not To Dis

    The country and the government President Bush takes over will be remarkably different from that which his father handed over to President Clinton eight (8) years ago. Rumblings of economic difficulties have echoed through the Establishment Press.

    With smoldering undeclared wars inherited from his father in Iraq and from President Clinton in Yugoslavia periodically bursting into flames, President Bush II may not enjoy complete support, or at least the silence or acquiescence of the Establishment Press in such fantastic claims as totally victory in wars without casualties or losses.

    While the US bids adieu, for the moment, to President Clinton whose image dancing carnival years in office ambled between a circus clown and a sawdust dictator, Clinton could count on the Establishment Press to make astounding claims of wars without casualties and unparalleled prosperity so much so that one news service was nick-named the Clinton News Network. Can Mr. Bush count on the press to slavishly brush problems away ? Or do we face four tumultuous years ?

    As a President without a mandate, Mr. Bush may have trouble defining his administration. In the past Presidents made by a fluke of the Electoral College were called minority Presidents. To modern America, the term might be misleading . Clarence Thomas or Colin Powell could be elected President with a majority yet hold office as a minority President. Still, it would be unfair to call Mr. Bush unpopular. Time will have to tell whether President Bush becomes unpopular in office, even though no President who came ro power by such a fluke was ever popular enough to be re-elected.

    "Old 5-4" may re-echo the insulting title given Rutherford B. Hayes (‘Old 8-7"), but seems rather prosaic.

    However we need to use American ingenuity to coin a new term appropriate to the situation: The Dis-popular President. Given the prospect of discord between the Establishment Press and the President, dis-popular may prove to be particularly apropos. Thus to dis the President may become a patriotic Act.

  • To The Good Old Days....


    The Russian parliament after restoring the Russian Army's proper Title to it: The Red Army, completed the picture by resurrecting the Stalinist Era National Anthem which had been abolished upon the democratic revolution in Russia and the dissolution of the Soviet Empire. So much for democracy!

  • Dr Bill Loeppkey Elected Lord President

    The Rockaway Park Philosophical Society announced that Dr Bill Loeppky, DFS was elected Lord President of the Society. In announcing the electoral results, Dr James Woodburry Rowe, Secretary and Mentor of the RPPS said of Dr Loeppky he lives up to the true spirit of a Societal: does what others regard not only as impossible but also unnecessary. The witty, hard hitting editor of the Internet's leading literary Ezine THE INDITER was previously named Prince Regent of the RPPS in Canada and beleaguered philosopher of 1999 and was granted the high and extraordinary degree Doctor of Fullosophical Studies. Bibliotek Nationale du Canada has archived as part of its permananent collection.

    "A true Societal never accepts the word impossible," said Dr Loeppky who not only established literate English to an Internet Empire but also attempted the more arduous task of teaching the mother tounge to rambunctuous Americans.

  • Shrinking Internet Empires

    The web continues to be jolted by the recent fall out in the stockmarket. Among the servers curtailing services is which has announced that effective it will abandon free internet access. Previously Lycos closed and and prohibited linking images from to sites on other servers.

  • Adieu Monsieur Clinton

    President Bubba Bill Clinton will simply not fade into the sunset. Holy Hillery is expected to set up a rival white house in Georgetown to receive the dis-empowered democrats. While Senators may object to search procedures on Capital Hill instituted as soon as Hill joined the Senate Club, Hill revealed plans to open the Federal Styled Georgetown mansion to displaced leftists.

    And money is no problem. Hill just received an $8M advance on her next book.

    Holy Hillery!"

  • In this issue


    Gaudium in Fullosiam, Gaudium Omnibus Quorem Studium Fullosae Deditur.

    Recently at the request of Dr James W. Rowe, Lord and Mentor of the Society, the Rockaway Park Philosophical Society commented on holiday depression: That the solstice, with its early sunsets, might be a source of depression may have been known to the ancients. To the ancients, depression didn't stop the party.

    Today we celebrate a hectic time between Christmas and the New Year, holidays which have assumed Christian and secular importance.

    Yet the change from autumn to winter was marked by partying even in pagan times, perhaps as a cure to the problem of seasonal depression. Thus holiday depression may have preceded the birth of Christ for whom Christians say they party.

    The ancients were smart enough not to let such a depressing time also mark the New Year. It's bad enough to be depressed by the early sunset. Pagans were too practical to conduct personal re-appraisal and reproach at a bleak and barren time. Pagans celebrated the New Year in the spring, the rebirth of life. Thus we have the cluster of spring holidays that cluster from St. Pat's day through Easter which remind us that they are pagan holidays glaring at us in Christian or Secular form. Did the Christians move the New Year's whoop-te-doo to desolute January, as many writers assume, just to engage in their pointless self mortification?

    Probably not correct. Until the reformation in England, Lady's Day in March marked the New Year. That is the presumed onset of gestation of the Christ child, a variant of the visitation ?

    In the reformation Mary lost out with the Protestants as much as her worship increased in Catholic countries like Poland, Hungary and Ireland on the border between the Reformation and the Catholic resurgence. As Mary lost her important position in Christianity, the New Year was shifted by King Henry from budding March to bleak January and Mary was dismissed from the pantheon.

    If New Years arrived at January first by accident, how did Christmas join it in the moribund weeks of late sunrises and early sunsets.

    The solstice was celebrated by the ancients, particularly among the Celts who believed that it marked the battle between the God of Light and the Goddess of Darkness, with the latter winning. The barbarous Saxon assumed various Celtic holidays in different forms: the burning of the young girl in Scandinavia and Germany, the big beer blast in England are relies of the Celtic festival. And of course in pagan times it was a festival of light: bonfires, worship of the evergreen tree, etc., to represent the coming of light: longer days ahead.

    Many of the code words of Christianity bent the existing phraseology "coming of light", battle between "light and darkness," and even "light of the world" to a Christian purpose. How did that happen?

    No one knows when Christ was born or even exactly when: Christians say in a manger and therefore a stable; Muslims who know the Koran say that means under a palm tree at an oasis. Considering the climate, the latter might be more likely, although within the last five years it snowed in Jerusalem. Arabs and Israelis put aside their Uzi's and Thompson's to go out and throw snowballs at each other (note: neither side seems to like the M16. How unfortunate!). Whether under a palm or in the stable, was December the month?

    Some scholars say that Christians took up Christmas the year Emperor Diocletian, the most efficient of their Roman persecutors, required all religions to worship at the solstice. From that occasion onward, Christians subsumed the phraseology common among pagans and twisted it to their own use, much as the pagans throughout the Christian era molded Christian catch phrases and figurines into a pagan meaning. That the Christmas tradition began with a clever Christian mockery of pagans did not escape the attention of the Reformers who would have abolished Christmas altogether.

    19th century commercialism resuscitated the feast. Even in New England, the Puritan homeland, Christmas gained a foothold. Where the pilgrims punished those who would have celebrated Christmas, gaudy lights have reappeared. Yes, Virginia, There is Christmas in Massachusetts.

    Why then the depression? The pagans light a bonfire and said that's what lights are supposed to cure. Many we could simplify life by resuming simpler ways.

    1. Poems By Monique Nicole Fox "Foxxy" 1110 Fidler Lane, SS, MD 20910 USA

      And there's no better way to cure the Holiday blues than soothing poetry from a rising bard.

      Fox' Foxxy Poems

      Nicole Foxx says of herself in her Brief Bio: "I am a 31 year old single woman with no kids. I am an Accountant (by profession), Poet (by heart), ethnic (by design), sweet (by nature), and pretty (by hereditary). My favorite color is red. My favorite foods are soul food and caribbean food. My favorite music is reggae, soca, and calypso. I have a BBA in Finance from UDC. I have 1 year of graduate course work under my belt @ UMUC (MGA in MIS).

    2. Don Grant Deman: The Canadian O'Henry

      Canada's nationally recognis[z]ed Inditer dot com Press, Grant Deman continues to grace the art of O'Henry with a Canadian accent. Read Grant's Cracker Barrel at Inditer dot com.

      With typical modesty Don Grant Deman replies: To be the Canadian Chocolate bar or to just have the muchies!

    3. Lisa Marie Brennan

      Lisa Marie Brennan that in the wake of the success of her her song "Down by the Water, she has formed a news letter entitled Lisa News. Contact lisa for further details. The single Down by the Water continues to climb the chart.

    4. Loeppky v US

      Bill Loeppkey of Inditer dot com has news of the Clintons' legacy in Canada: the continuing public health crisis caused by the sale of corrupted blood to the Canadian Red Cross.

      visit The

  • In The Zines

    1. Gunvor Skogsholm: Poetry Form

      Gunvor Skogsholm, MA gave the Poetry Forum's Golden Award to JD Collins poem in short story forum Time Passages.

      A short version of Time Passages appears in The Inditer on Line Press.

      Poetry Forum/Short Stories Bi Monthly 5713 Larchmount Dr, Erie PA 16509

    2. PTP Pubs:Perry Terrell

      Perry Terrell the recipient of the RPPS Beleaguered Philosopher Award in 1996 when several months of jury duty forced PTP to suspend operations writes that he checks his E-Mail now and then at universities.

      Contact Perry

    3. Iconoclast:Phil Wagner

      Phil Wagner of The Iconoclast observes that business on the internet is like mining for gold: The only people who make money sell the tools! On a pleasant note Phil writes that MARLOWE in the SOUTH SEAS have been favorably reviewed.

      Read the review by Ben Pastore: Marlowe:Asea

      Phil does not believe in the world of Bill Gates. snail mail address:
      1675 Amazon Road Mohegan Lake NY 10547-1804


      "I have done many things I never thought myself capable of"

      ---Thomas Paine "The American Crisis"


      Howard Fast

      The Revolution is almost finished off. General Washington has been defeated in Brooklyn, forced out of New York City and chased clear across New Jersey. Most of the Army is killed, wounded, missing in action or deserted. Only the Delaware River soon to freeze keeps the British from total victory.

      Are these the times that tried men's souls?

      Crossings a made for TV movie brings to life these desperate moments.

      Click Here Crossings

      Compare to The Patriot Counter Attacks

  • The Fullosia

    From The FULLOSIA

    RPPS FULLOSIA Dictionary

    1. Multi-Culturalism
      Abysmal ignorance of all culture.

    2. Dis-Popular
      neither wanted nor needed, but just there anyway
      see Bullology in Fullosia Dictionary

    3. Holy Hades
      The senate club graced by Holy Hillery.

    read Fullosia Dictionary

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