Appendix A
In addition to the main MaxCAD.exe file there are a number of other files which must be present on your computer for MaxCAD to work properly. Some of these files will automatically be regenerated by MaxCAD. Others can be regenerated with a little user intervention. All of these files except one reside in the same folder with the MaxCAD.exe file.
Auxiliary Files.Back to Fun with Transistors.
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A.1 MaxCAD_Last_Group_Opened.dat.
This is the file that contains the file path and name of the 10 most recently opened drawings. If it has been deleted, MaxCAD will create a blank file which will be filled up in the same way as it was when you first started using the program. When the file is completely empty, no drawing will be loaded on startup and there will not be any recent files list.Back to Fun with Transistors.
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A.2 MaxCAD-Default.dat.
This file contains the values set in the "Default Settings" dialog found under the "Settings" menu. When this file is missing, MaxCAD will recreate it but the path to the shapes and fonts is likely to be wrong resulting in an error message at start up.After you click past the error messages, open the "default Settings" box and change the entry in the "Shape and Font Path" to match that on your system. Some of the numerical settings may not be original. If you have changed some of them they will not be correct. You will have to change them back to the settings you desire.
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A.3 Shape and font files.
Taken altogether the shape and font files shipped with MaxCAD number in excess of 500 at this writing and are constantly being added to. If all of these have become lost the error messages at startup will continue. It may be that the path to these files was not typed correctly in the above section (A.2). If you find that the files are indeed missing it is not necessary to reinstall MaxCAD. You can go to the programs page on the Fun with Tubes website where you originally downloaded this program and download a zip file of the shape and font files. Follow the installation procedure and all should be well.Back to Fun with Transistors.
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A.4 Schematic.fnt.
According to the original plan, if this file did not exist when MaxCAD started, the individual font character files would be read and compiled into this single file. The purpose was to allow several of these files under different names. The user would be able to change fonts on the fly the same as he can now change shape libraries on the fly. This feature has not been implemented. The contents of this file never change.Back to Fun with Transistors.
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A.5 MaxCAD_ArrayRec_Data.dat.
This file contains the rectangular array data from the last time this feature was used. If it should be deleted, MaxCAD will regenerate it the next time you use this feature. The data will be that which I used to test the feature during development. Deleting the file will cause your data to be lost.Back to Fun with Transistors.
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A.6 MaxCAD_Help.hlp.
If the help file should go missing the help function will no longer work. You will get an error message informing you that the file is missing or damaged and suggesting that you go to the web site where you originally downloaded MaxCAD to obtain a replacement copy of the help file. Follow the installation instructions you will find there.Back to Fun with Transistors.
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A.7 MaxCAD-Dial.DAT.
This file contains the data from the last time you used the dial and meter scale designer. If you have never used it this file contains an example scale. When the scale designer is opened this file is accessed and it's data placed in the designer. If the file is missing, a sample file will be automatically created when the designer is opened. After you change the values to your own needs this new data will be stored in the file and will be restored the next time you use the scale designer.Back to Fun with Transistors.
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A.8 MaxCAD-PrntSet.dat.
This file contains the printer setup information. If it is missing it will be created if you print a drawing or open the printer setup dialog. The only problem with that is the data in the created file may be wrong for your printer. After you determine the proper settings for your printer you should 1) write them down, or 2) make a backup copy of the MaxCAD-PrntSet.dat file and put it somewhere where you can find it.Back to Fun with Transistors.
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A.9 MaxCAD-ShapeList.DAT.
This file contains the list of shapes available in the current shape library. If it is missing it will be regenerated at program startup. It is also regenerated when ever the shape library is changed. Unlike the other files it resides in the folder with the shape and font files. If it should somehow be deleted while MaxCAD is running, the next time you try to draw a shape you will get an error message saying "Shapes not found or not available". To regenerate the file, press Control F4 and then the TAB key. This will recreate the file and the shape library will remain set to the one you were using when the mishap occurred. (I can't imagine how this could happen but I have had stranger, and unexplained, things happen on my system.)Back to Fun with Transistors.
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