Old Catalogs.
Catalogs of Discontinued Parts.
I was asked if I had any old J. W. Miller catalogs. At the time I said "no" but to my surprise I found one. I have decided to post it to help people trying to identify old parts. If you have any old catalogs of discontinued parts such as Stancore or Triad transformers, or anything else and you don't have a web site to post them on please pass them along. If you do be sure to scan them with enough resolution so they are readable. If you have a web site with old parts catalogs posted please let me know and I'll link to your page from here.Johnson Variable Capacitors.
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J. W. Miller Coils.
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Triad Transformers.
This is a link to another site. Triad Magnetics.
HomeThis page last updated June 23, 2011.