Figure 5.4. In overall appearance figure 5.4 is essentially identical to figure 6.2. The numeric values are a little different. Given in the order of max cut, half cut, flat, half boost, and max boost, they are. At 10 Hz, -21, -8.5, -1, 6.5, and 17.5 dB. At 100 kHz they are, -22, -9.5, -2, 5.5, and 17 dB. Starting at the low end all 5 curves move closer to one another without crossing or touching. The half lines remain about half way between the max and flat lines. When they get to 850 Hz they begin to merge, becoming a single line at 1 kHz. Just past 1 k they begin to separate, becoming 5 separate lines by 1200 Hz. They separate smoothly without crossing or getting closer to one than to the other. Figure 6.2 will provide a full description with numerical values. End verbal description.
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