Figure 4. Equivalent circuit with all pots set to midrange. The input goes to the noninverting input of an op amp. The output of the op amp connects directly to the inverting input making it a unity gain buffer. The output of the op amp goes through a 1.2 k ohm resistor to the noninverting input of the second op amp. The noninverting input also goes through a 5 k ohm resistor to ground. The value of 5 k ohms is in parentheses. See text. The output of the second op amp goes through a 1.2 k ohm resistor to its inverting input. The inverting input also goes through a 5 k ohm resistor to ground. The value of 5 k ohms is in parentheses. See text. There is a note on the schematic indicating that the two voltage dividers consisting of the 1.2 k ohm and 5 k ohm resisters have a transfer ratio of minus 1.87 dB.
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