Established 1972
Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce & Industry |
Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Chambers & Boards
About Us
Abu Dhabi Chamber Of Commerce and Industry: The Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an independentpublic corporation. The Chamber is an independent juridical person having full competence to achieve itspurposes. Perhaps the most important role played by the Chamber is representedin the organization of commercial and industrial affairs within the Emirateof Abu Dhabi and its continuos efforts to develop these sectors in cooperationwith the government. The Chamber offers its membership to the trade and industrial companies wishing to practice their business within the Emirate of Abu-Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry is mandatory for all companies and corporationspracticing business with in the Emirate of Abu dhabi. The membership of the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industryis mandatory for all companies and corporations practicing business with in theEmirate of Abu Dhabi of Abu Dhabi in order to obtain the necessarylicensefrom the Abu Dhabi Municipality Department. The Chamber carries outits dutiesand functions under its organization and establishment law. TheChamber practicesthe following prerogatives. Cooperate with the government in the organization of commercialand industrial affairs and endeavor to develop both sectors to the best interestsof thestate. In this respect the Chamber collects the necessary data, informationand statistics related to the industrial and commercial affairs and studiesthe fields for their development, activation and protection. The Chamber is authorized to produce magazines and bulletins it deemsexpedient for the realization of its objectives. Organize economic conferences, exhibitions and market fairswithin the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and participate in conferences, symposiumsand exhibitions organized abroad. Authenticate certificates of origin and commercial invoicesof good after scrutiny. The attestation of guarantees and bonds and verificationof members signatures or their representatives as well as all other commercialand industrial certificates and arbitration instruments produced by the authorizedand approved arbitrators. Nominate experts and representatives (upon the request of government departments, courts of law and concerned persons) for studying matters of commercial or industrial nature. Examine the disputed goods and ratify the experts an representatives testimonies and certificates concerningthe same. Join the Arab, foreign and international unions and chambersfor exchanging information and participation in the establishment of jointchambers withthe foreign chambers. Commercial License Measures and Rules in Abu Dhabi: The Applicable Trade License Law No. (9) of 1969 provided that exceptfor those exempted by the Ruler, No person may practice and commercial business or trade unless holding the determined trade license. Further, Article (31) ofLaw No. (6) of 1976 concerning The Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce & Industry provides “U.A.E. nationals as well as foreigners whether companies, corporations or individuals Practicing commercial, industrial, financial or contracting business within the Emirate whether their head offices are situated within Emirate or having branches or agencies outside the Emirate and whether such business was permanent ortemporary, must join the Chamber “ , These two texts mean that naynatural or juridical person must obtain a license for the practice of any economic activity within the Emirate . Conditions for the procurement of a tradelicense: First : National Establishment: 1) National Establishment - To specify the type of activity and trade name and make sure that the required trade name is not previously registered with the Chamber and Municipality by third parties and that no objection is made to the same with the Chamber. - To provide a valid passport copy. - One personal photo - To provide a tenancy contract for the intended place of business - To complete the application form of the license and membership as prepared by the Municipality and Chamber. - To apply to the Municipality and Chamber. Second : Vocational Establishmentsand Foreign Companies Branches: - All the expatriates, foreign vocational establishments and foreign companies branches interested to carry on their vocationaland commercial activities within the emirate should into a contractwith a local national. If the agent is a company it shall have the nationality of the State and all the Partners should be nationals. The liabilities of the Agent towards the Establishment or foreign company branch and third party shall be limited to the provision of the necessary services of theEstablishment or company branch without any liabilities or losses. -The percentages to be obtained by thenational agent from the foreign companies branches which are awarded government contractsshall be calculated as follows: 2% for contracts amounting Dhs.1000.000 and less. 1.5% for contracts amounting Dhs.10.000.000-50.000.00 . 1% for contracts amounting Dhs.50.000.000 & above. Third: Commercial Companies: -Without prejudice to the activities which are limited to becarried out by the nationals, every company established within the Statemust have one or more national partner holding a share not less than 51% of the Company’s Capital. -Companies to be established within the State and having thenationality of the State must have any of the following forms.
General conditions and procedures for all new appliactions: First: Abu Dhabi Municipality Department The applicant shall complete Abu Dhabimunicipality form to issued“ companies or Establishments” license accompanied withfollowing documents: -The Partnership contract or the power of attorneyissued by the local agent and duly notarized after being marked by the Commercial Register. -A valid tenancy contract for intended place of business. -A deposit letter of capital according to the type of the company. -Two personal photos for each partner. -Licensing Committee at Abu Dhabi Municipality Department shall check the application along with the accompanying documents. After the same is being approved the applications shall be dispatched with a letter addressed to Abu Dhabi Chamber of commerce & Industry for taking the necessary procedures to be a member therein. Second: Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce & Industry: The applicant shall apply to the Chamber under the letter of Abu Dhabi Municipality form to complete the relevant form for membership, accompanied with the following documents: -New applications for every new membership . -A valid tenancy contract for the intended place of business. -Valid passport copies of the national(s) and foreign partners. -One personal photo for each partner. In case the foreign companiesand establishments having head offices based overseas are interested to open branches within the Emirate, the following documents are required to submittedattested according to the formalities applicable by the Ministry of Economy& Commerce: 1-A translated copy of the Parent Company’s Articlesof Association. 1-A copy of the resolution of the Board of Directors of the concerned authority of the Parent Company to open its branch in theEmirate. 1-A translated statement of the Parent company’s registerfrom the country of origin confirming that the Company is an ongoingconcern and that it is not under liquidation or bankruptcy. 1- An official power of attorney from the Parent company’scountryof origin issued to the Company’s representative in Abu Dhabistatinghis powers. 1-A letter from Israeli boycott Office based in Abu Dhabi statingthat the Company is disassociated from Israel. 1-A tenancy contract. 1- The Two Latest balance sheets of the parent company. 1-A contract entered into with a national agent. After the application and the required documents are submitted tothe Ministry and the same are referred by it to the Executive Council for approval., and afterbeing approved and having the application referred to the Municipality ad then to the Chamberto be examined by the Registration & Membership Committee of the ChamberBoard of Directors and then having the application approved by the Registration& Membership Committee, the application shall be referred to MembershipAffairs Department for fees payment and issuance of membership certificate. After the issuance of the membership, the application shallbe referred to the Municipality to finalize its administrative proceduresand then issuance of the license finally and procurement of the commercialregister. The Municipality shall issue the license in its final form afterensuring that the applicant has met all the safety and health conditionsaccordingto the laws and regulations in force and the intended place businessis inspected. General Conditions and procedures for license renewal: First: How to renew licenses with the Chamber: 1- The applicant should apply first to the Chamber to get the“Membership Application” form to type all the renewaldata and then submit the same to the Chamber with the following documents: A) In case of foreign companies branches, a copy of the Municipalitylicense for the previous year with relevant receipt confirming registrationwith the Ministry of the Economy & commerce. A) Original Chamber membership . A) A statement signed by the Sponsor that he received all hisdues for the previous year regarding the membership application. A) Valid copies of the passports and tenancy contract. A) Renewal of the approvals given by the relevant activitiesauthorities requiring the same. A) After ensuring the al the renewal application data are identicalto the data previously submitted prior to the issuance of the license tothe membership applicant and making sure that the contract of partnership/sponsorship/agency is till valid, the Membership Affairs Department shall renew the Membership after payment of the specified fees and the relevant certificate shall be given within 24 hours. Second: How to renew licenses with Municipality: After Renewal of the Chamber membership,the applicant shall go the applicant shall go to the municipality Department to renewthe trade license and then renew its entry with the municipality Commercial Center.As for foreign companies branches, they should renew their entry with the Ministry of Economy& Commerce. Amendment of the license duringits validity: 1- The application for the license amendment shall be firsttyped on therelevant for prepared by Municipality Department. Then the applicationshallbe referred by the Municipality under a letter to the Chamber for reviewandcorrection of records. 2- Having the application for amendment reviewed by the Chamberand its records are amended accordingly, the application shall be returnedto the Municipality to issue the relevant license after amending the entryin the Commercial Register. 3- The amendment shall details on the data to be amended withany accompanying documents as may be required by the Municipality or ChamberCommerce. However, the application shall be accompanied with original tradelicense ad original Membership certificate in case the amendment ismade for an existing commercial company or it is maintained with the Ministryof Economy and Commerce. First: Change of the activity as a whole: 1- In the event that the required amendment is related to thechange of the full activity , the licensing Department at the Municipalityand Chamber shall make sure first if the applicant is permitted to carryout the new activity required instead of the previous one and if the activityneeds the approval any relevant authority such as the Ministry of Economy& Commerce, Health Department, Building , planning at the Municipality…etc. 2- In case the new activity does not cope with the trade name,the Applicant must modify the trade name as to cope with required activity. 3- After all the relevant procedures of the application submittedto theChamber for comments are completed and after issuance of the Chamber's and its records are amended accordingly, a new amended membership shall beissuedand the application shall be re-submitted to the Municipality fortheissuanceof the amended license after the publication of the same withMinistryof Economy in case of existing commercial companies,commercial companiesbranches and foreign companies branches. Second: Addition of activity: Any activity is added without need to any announcement. However,the license shall be Amended according to the applicable administrative procedures “ aletteraddressed from The Municipality to the Chamber to add an activity”. If the addition requires the approval of a certain authority,the addition shall not be made unless with the approval of such authority. Note: the activity to beadded should be Any activities stated in the Company’s articles of association. Third : Change or amendment of the name and addition of any mark: In the event the applicant is interested to change or amendits businessname or add any mark thereupon, the applicant should file theform fully typesas prepared for this purpose by the Municipality licensingSection. 1- After getting the approval of the Licensing Section to amendor change the name, the applicant shall be referred with a letter addressedfrom the head of Municipality licensing Section to a local newspaper in theEmirate to publish an announcement in the form prepared by the Municipalitylicensing Section. 2- After the elapse of the period to object on the announcement,the application shall be referred from the Municipality to the Chamber toamend its records accordingly. 3- After the Chamber membership certificate is amended, theapplicant shall be provided with a letter from the municipality to the Ministryof Economy & Commerce, in the case of commercial companies or foreigncompanies branches and then a license in the new name shall be issued. |