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This could really be a hard subject to touch, but before anything i would like to say this is just my opinion about it, and you should know i am a lost in love boy, eventhough i have nobody in my heart, i mean, i`m just a romantic guy.


So well, i have been through a lot of things, a lot of experiences, and i might say i am so dissapointed, cos i`ve been looking for years the real love and it`s funny but stupid, cos when i finally met it i lost it... how stupid can that be?

I just think about the lots of girls who always says that they would like to know a boy who love them for real, and that care about them and all that stuff, but when they finally meet him they just let him go, in the most stupid way. I just cant believe that.

I have read some books, which has helped me to know a little bit more what love is, and i`ve learnt there`s not explication, but there is some tips to love, which makes and interesting subject, cos lots of people say they love someone and they dont even know what love is:


a) respect

   But of course! what did you imagine? You just have to respect the person you love, because that means you are going to listen to his/her point of view, and then try to understand it. Is that so hard? No, if you really want someone.


b) accept

    I think this might be the most important point, cos when you are going to experiment a relation, you cant just say " oh you are so cute but you dont say = hello =  ( as a stupid example ) in the way i would like you to say hello", i mean, what is that suppose to mean?? You cant just leave a person because he/she doesnt has everything you want, there is no perfect guy, you have to accept the person as what he/she really is! I`m not saying by this you can have a relation with any person, but you DO have to accept the person you want as how the person real is.


c) patience

   You have to have it, cos the love takes time, you cant just fall in love that fast, or married with someone next week, it takes time to accept the person, to try as much as possible the relation to go on.



You cant just play with love, it`s not right for you, sooner or later the life takes it back, i do believe in karma.


Now, you have to really believe in all kinds of love, before love someone, and i mean that love might appear in the more stranger places. And well, those who believes there is no far away love are sooo wrong. Like i said, you just have to believe in it. It does exists.

I believe in love above everything else. Cos it`s so important. If we just could love as the way we should this world would be so diferent, i dont believe in religion, but if we would follow the scential rules of it, then wow! We would be sooo diferent.

So just love the persons who are around you, cos then you will be happier =D