AYPAL Pic... Group shot of all the interns circa 1998.
Another AYPAL Pic... Still action shot of them at work.
Bowling Pic... Group picture of the O-High Strikers at Mel's Bowl.
1999 Graduate... From the left to right: Tina,Mabel, Danny and Shirley.
1999 Graduates... They was like, "Yo, one triple nine, can you hear me out there?"
Driving A Blazing Blue Truck... That's me man, you sorta can't see me, but that is me.
Ivan Acting... From the second performance of "Toxic City" at Hawthorne Elementary.
Yup...Seems Like Breaking To Me... Those little kids were hella cute after the performance by asking me and Johnson, "How did you guys do that?" with some big ol eyes.
Look, A Flamingo... That's what we call them up in Oakland at least.
First Performance... I always find new pics from the first performance for some reason.
Double Pimping... I know I'm not in this pic.
Double K... The move that sent the message to everybody that ABD is here to stay.
ABD And Ld...So like, when will people start eating and end world hunger?
Daniel From RBZ Tape... You need to watch the tape to understand.
The People's Champion... You know I had to have his pic in somewhere around here.
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Last updated 4-11-02
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