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Welcome To The Mega Man X Zone!

The Mega Man X Zone

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This site is best viewed in Internet Explorer 4 or higher at 800 x 600 resolution.

If you wish to vote on my site, you'll have to enter the Old Site and vote there. Otherwise check out the new site and tell me what you think!

And PLEASE, when you are asked to vote, don't just skip it and enter the site! Vote and help promote this site! And be sure to recommend this site to friends! I want it to become very popular!

Also, I'm looking for new Affiliates! The other ones have been deleted on me, so please re-submit your Affiliate application to me if your site is no longer there!


This is a fan site! All ideas and suggestions are of my free will, so you don't have to listen to them! Mega Man and any character appearing on this site is Copyright Capcom. There is my disclaimer!!