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The Mega Man X Zone


Character Bios Info On Mega Man Weapons of Mega Man Mega Man Gaming Facts Rumors Links About Me Web Rings Mega Man X RPG

Welcome to The Mega Man X Zone! This is a new site that will tell you everything you need to know about Mega Man games! So, bookmark this page now by pressing Crtl+D! Also, be sure to check out the Web Rings Page and vote for my site! And, check out all of the different sites that I am technically linked to. There are about 70 or more! Also, you can link to my page with this!

You can make it smaller of course! Use this to add me to your affiliates list!


Oct. 3

NEW LAYOUT!!! Check it out here. Sample only. The whole site will soon be like this.

Oct. 1

It seems you guys want an RPG. Well, I need you guys to sign up! I only need 3 more people, so sign up today!!

One more thing, I really would like some input from you guys. I know the polls kinda do that, but I want more specific stuff from you. Later.

Sept. 29

Check out the background history for the RPG. You might want to bring a cup of coffee, 'cause this thing is REALLY long!

Sept. 28

Brand new layout coming soon. It's the one that Mega Man made for me. I believe I have figured it out.

Sept. 26

We have reached 500 people!! Thanks to all of you who continually visit the site! You have helped to make this site great! Also, be sure to vote on this site as always and be sure to send me an e-mail if you want to see something here that you don't see!

Sept. 23

Rumors updated. OmegaX has given me new info for this section about Sigma. To thank you, I think you need some kinda prize. E-mail me about something you want, like some Roms that I have translated 100%. E-mail me with what you want. Also, the RPG will definitly opened when I get about 5 people excluding me. That will make 6 people: 3 Mavericks, 3 Reploids. This will make the game more even. Also, I want to fill up all the Characters before I begin accepting new characters. Only OmegaX got in so far because he had a GREAT BIO!! That is a big part of the game, background history.

Sept. 22

No real update. New Affiliate thing. It's just another site of mine that I have to make for a class. Basically the same layout as this one. Check it out here.

Sept. 20

WOW! I have had a lot of people sign up for the game. 3 so far have expressed interest and signed up and 1 had his own sprite for it! Check out Omega X on the Character Page, it's sweet!!

Sept. 18

New things all the time!! I have a couple new polls that I would like you guys to try out. One is the usual "what do you think of the site" poll. The other is your typical "what do you want to see" poll. Please vote so I can tailor the site to your needs!

Sept. 17

Alrighty!! New affiliate! Check out the site by hitting "Back" on your browser and clicking on it. Also, check out the new Mega Man (Rockman) models/toys at AAA They have a complete line of them. Also, I had the oppertunity to play Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for Dreamcast. Very nice! Although Capcom left Mega Man in the dirt (he's not near as effective as he should be), the game was still enjoyable. I suggest you check it out!

Sept. 14

The RPG is going well. I have had 1 person who has expressed an interest in it. I need more though so send in your applications now!

Sept. 13

I know that there are a lot of other Mega Man X RPG's out there, but I think that mine has something special to it. Please take the time to look over the Alpha copy of the game and then send me some feedback. Check it out here.

Sept. 9

Still no RPG sign ups. Hmmm. Looks like I need to make it a bit more intising to sign up. The first 3 people to sign up get free Dash Boots!! Hurry up and join!!!

Sept. 7

No updates in awhile. I am still waiting for more Sprites to come in. And be sure to vote for me on the Top 10 Mega Man sites. You can vote on the Webrings page. Plus, check out AAA Look under "Anime" and then Rockman. They have way cool toys there. I am getting the Vile from X3 and Mega Man X in his full armor from X3. I will be posting pics...maybe. But check it out anyway.

Sept. 2

New month, new stuff! I believe that I will be adding more stuff as the month goes on. But I start school in two days and I really have to gear up for that. On second thought, who cares about school?

August 29

More small updates today. I haven't been getting as big a response to the RPG as I would like. If you guys have any Sprites or anything, I would like them, because I wanna see what you guys can come up with too. I have received one Sprite sheet. I NEED MORE!! Plus, I'm changing the Second Wave release date. It's gonna be a lot sooner.

More personal news: I got a job offer today. Since I work at a boring job, I thought this would be a little uptempo from what I am used to. The Marina here asked me if I wanted a job there. I am thinking about it very, very catiously. Maybe I'll hold out until I get my next pay-check....

August 28

Small updates again. Added some new stuff. I think that I will concentrate on the RPG portion now. I made some new characters and they are ready to be used. Check them out here and be sure to tell me if you want to be a character. Second Wave Characters are on the rise and I will post them in September.

August 26

Small updates today. Gonna start on a little custom sprite section for the RPG. I'm gonna make up the characters and then let you guys decide who you want. That way I can keep it far and organized.

August 25

Hmm, didn't get much done on my vacation. But I got some good ideas for the RPG. It's gonna be e-mail, because I already tried an RPG with IRC and it didn't work too well. So, it will be email. You can check it out here. I will include a little example of play with it. So e-mail me with any questions or comments.

August 19

Hmmm, lots of updates today. I am thinking of making a new page. Not a whole new Mega Man page, but one on this site. I have been thinking about it and I am leaning strongly towards making an RPG. And what with going away this week, I will have lots of time to look over some other sites' ideas and formulate my own out of them. So, I will have more on that when I get back. Second, I want to hear from you guys! Tell me what you think of the site. Be sure to e-mail me with your thoughts, ideas and the like. Also, I am leaning towards a Fanart page. So, the first person that sends in some fanart wins a prize. Not a big one, but a prize nonetheless. Maybe something like a Dragonball Z movie or a bunch of rare roms. I'll get back to you on that.

This is a fan site. All ideas, and layouts are Copyright to me. All products and characters are Copyrighted property of Capcom. "The Mega Man X Zone" is Copyright Wade Hellyer Manga Ltd.