Use Of De Facto Death Squads Against Defenseless Unarmed Civilians To Suppress Information

Many of the posts by Abemarf in the alt.mindcontrol newsgroup (one of which is "The NSA and Mind Control" dated August 20, 1999) are very interesting and have provided in depth analysis of the social aspects of mind control, as well as lots of valuable historical information. Pursue the links at the bottom of the page for a reproduction the NSA article. I prefer (and am probably forced by the impairment the mind control creates, whether I like it or not) simpler and more direct means of expression. I would like to simplify and put in a nutshell what actually happens. People who expose these mind controllers (and I don't know whether my particular ones are NSA or not, having no direct contact with the cowardly perpetrators) are severely tortured, to put it simply and directly. There are all those psychological factors Abemarf talks about, but I find that ultimately in my case the old adage about sticks and stones applies. Words and psychological factors can't really inflict that much damage on a strong, independent person. It is the physical torture that gets you. On August 20, 1999, when most of this was written, I had just gone through about 100 consecutive days of hell during which the perps nuked my house every night between 10 P.M. and 6 A.M. (scarcely skipping a night) with massive dose radiation attacks causing extreme physical pain. The radiation filled the house and the yard and continued down the street when I left the house. I can't believe the neighbors were not detecting anything. Maybe they were. Perhaps it was too specific to target to scatter much. Because of the paranoia the attacks through the years caused, we were not really on very good terms and there was an absence of communication. The assailants do like to generate paranoia to alienate and isolate targets from people in their environment. The punishment is so horrible that emotional outbursts from time to time are hard to control (the inducement of hysteria due to extreme pain). The radiation could have an overhead source, but, face it, some of the perpetrators could be concealed within the local houses, disguised as regular citizens but possessing a hidden agenda (it appears from the vantage point of a victim). The radiation is so intense that it could be damaging internal organs. I was frequently bedridden from it, had chest pains and muscle and joint pains representing injured tissue. Often days were required for recovery, and there are probably permanent residual effects--like vital organ damage. A heart condition evolved either from the stress or the radiation. I don't know whether these are microwaves or higher energy (like an X-ray), but they penetrate the heaviest steel and concrete. They cause: swelling of tissue, asphyxiation, something like bronchial asthma with fluid in the lungs,  nasal and sinus congestion and flow, itching, fever, nausea, a burning sensation, physical weakness. They make you gasp for air as a poison gas would. I had to leave the house several nights and sleep in my van in parking lots some miles away, the discomfort was so awful I couldn't stand it. This was kept up relentlessly by the perpetrators, night after night (and day after day). They liked to intensify assaults at night.  Sleep deprivation results in perpetual fatigue. There is body weakness and heart and joint pain like arthritis the mornings after. Your head hurts and is dizzy like somebody clobbered you with a blunt object. Perps claim your brain will damage.  Something like a limited nuclear war is being waged against people who know too much by amoral de facto death squads, who rely on