This three-part series was written and never sent, although similar versions were.  This is the most up-to-date version.

June 13, 1999
(published on Usenet in slightly altered form last year)




I would like to report a bizarre crime situation in the Maple Heights, Ohio area (a suburb of Cleveland, USA) using a form of radiation-based mind control.  A criminal gang is entrapping and torturing victims with radiation bombardment (deliberately trying to produce brain injuries), electronic rape, transmission of rabid screech "voices" (sound simulation being possible), round-the-clock force-fed verbal communications, and drug effects (transferred from drug users who are apparently on amphetamines, coke, etc.-- at intentionally uncomfortable levels in order to stress victims into nervous breakdowns).  Victims are kept debilitated with chronic radiation poisoning which is at times similar in potency to nerve- (or minimally tear-) gas in terms of being a hazardous biological agent, except that the effects are more directable to the specific target. The levels are periodically upped to that point whenever the predators deem it necessary to keep their prey in thrall, or to achieve a desired end.  Although, torture could be described as intermittent, communication is continuous.  This is in effect electronic telepathy--being used for nothing but deleterious purposes, however (for the implementation of torture).   The signal can be transmitted to victims from incredible distances with accuracy, it is impossible to evade, and there is a large army of persons engaged in the stalking (7 days, 24 hours--with unbelievable tenacity). There is probable usage of satellite tracking, augmented by ground-based weapons, making escape difficult. (Surmising the means is theoretical, based on prolonged experience.)   I have been followed without relent for 26 years now, around the clock, by stalkers who never stop preying on their victim.   They are sadists who do all in their power to inflict suffering on victims, in a way that is senseless--constantly engaging in psychological and physical abuse.   They latch on to a victim and never thereafter permit prey to experience full consciousness, denying freedom of thought and basic human rights. Packs of thugs gang up on helpless individuals with laser weapons and try to administer brain damage.  An army of them surround the victim from hidden locations, from time to time generating shrieking effects and hyped-up nervous states while so doing as a means of creating mental distress.  I reported the abuses in the 1970's.  There was a phony Congressional investigation, a little bit of press flurry about illegal CIA activity which never divulged the main facts--camouflaging the mind control as a drug operation instead of revealing the technological bases of the radiation-based mind control--then a smokescreen put up through U.S. news media, which seem to have become pawns of a de facto dictatorship.   The public went back into a quiescent sleep while the perpetrators bore down more cruelly on helpless victims.

Some of the transmissions are suspected of being via satellite. In fact, the evidence to this effect is for me overwhelming. The roof of a building (i.e. your house) can be targeted, and there is very little scattering to the outside, creating the apparent impression that nothing is happening (outside). Meanwhile a humongous pulsating signal is being generated inside, creating standing waves through directed-beam transmissions.    However, the victim need not be stationary to receive.  The signal goes for miles. Being stationary makes it easier to deliver pain and to concentrate harassment, though.

The so-called Star Wars program could be a dangerous offensive weapons program which is a tool of a virtual dictatorship.  People who know too much and are willing to talk are stalked with the mind control by torturers until they suffer ruin--suicides, destitution, confinement to mental institutions, diagnoses of fake schizophrenia, which is degrading character assassination--even subjected to illegal psychosurgery after being driven into provoked rages with torture from which they could not escape.  The U.S. press appears to have complicity in maintaining secrecy--conferring absolute power on the vicious clique monopolizing this technology.   No defenses are ever developed for detection by an unwitting population which is never informed of any capabilities of it.  The ability to stalk press people with the mind control and to virtually neutralize thought with electronic disruption is part of the reason for successfully maintaining secrecy over a long period of time.  There could also be a certain amount of corruption on the part of the establishment, which is kept comfortable as long as it plays along.  It is given the partly erroneous impression that secrecy serves the interests of national defense.   Meanwhile, various human rights abuses continue without hindrance.  Criminal perpetrators are careful to victimize mainly the weakest and most helpless of prey, who may have low credibility. However, they are poised so as to be capable of endangering everyone, and have little moral code.    I know I am surrounded by an army of these persons, with beams coming from multiple directions.   I have been anything but silent to local police, yet I have never seen any serious discipline of the criminals.   Some of the predators will pose as benevolent (as therapists, well-wishers, religionists, etc.) until they think they are not being observed, and then they will do a 180 degree turn and start their extortion and terrorization.  There has been no halt to their operations in 26 years.  I have registered complaint after complaint after complaint with the local police department. In their behalf, it might be stated that criminal elements could be overwhelming police.  In this case, shouldn't Americans be informed so that all concerned can reinforce the fight against crime?  Why should the country be overwhelmed by an internal enemy and no defenses brought forth against it, due to secrecy?  It would continue to grow in potency and to overcome internal opposition, with dire consequences.

In their communications perpetrators make reference to some kind of "gang" and "family" membership. Activity is occurring in the E. 141 St.-Granger Rd. section of Maple Heights, Ohio.  At least that is the target area (overhead satellite technology augmented by ground-based weapons-- this is just theory, it is difficult for me to ascertain the exact means).  In recent years there seem to be upsurges in communication and torture activity correlating with breaks in the academic calendar.  This leads me to consider as suspects academics or students in the crimes. Local universities include CWRU and CSU.  I don't know whether these are domestic or foreign elements.   Activity intensifies markedly in the Spring.   I am also considering local hospitals as possibly being sites of activity.  There are two Veterans hospitals in the area--in Brecksville and Cleveland, plus a branch of NASA.    I was in Marymount Hospital in Garfield Heights, Ohio a couple of times.   It is the only hospital I have ever been in where any opportunity was provided to perform any kind of surgery.

Although anyone who had experienced this phenomenon would think some sort of implant for tracking and reception necessary, a CAT scan and x-rays of my brain back in 1981 by Radiologic Medical Imaging Associates in Mayfield Hts., Ohio (referral from a Dr. Grant Heller  in Beachwood,Ohio) did not turn any up, according to radiologists who reviewed them.   Ronald Ross, one of the  chief radiologists at that radiology firm, almost died in a plane crash during a flight to Elmhurst, New York, a few years back. Coincidentally, I was kidnapped by a doctor at Elmhurst Hospital back in 1973, when I tried to flee to New York City from these predators  shortly after initial victimization.  The doctor seemed to have inside information (Dr. Satish Kantilal Joshi, who was able to quote a Cleveland doctor I had sought help from when this first occurred).  In the beginning, I thought I was losing my mind and had sought the help of psychiatrist. Later, the long-term consistency and vividness of the experience ruled out to my personal satisfaction that this might be the case.  Particularly, there are too many vivid physical effects--touch sensations, tissue swelling, asphyxiation, etc. The consistent sound phenomenon is also as clear as a bell.

There are tremendously strong indications from his past behavior that my brother Bill was also a previous victim-- like unexplained bouts of anger in which he would trash furniture and lash out at people for no visible reason. He today displays symptoms of long-term abuse.   Somewhat developmentally disabled, he lacks the capability of comprehending what actually happened to him and is useless as a witness.  Back in the 1970's, he joined the Marine Corps, then was discharged with a pension.  He has therefore had  a long-term relationship with the VA Hospital system.    I would guess him to be more of what criminals prefer in a victim, because of  the complete camouflage.   I  believe they transferred from him to me, hoping for similar  success.

The American public can never acquire defenses, regulation, pertinent laws, or restriction so long as the secrets are kept.  I need help in tracking to source. Victims undergoing the most heart-rending violations are simply brushed off as lunatics, ignored, scoffed at--and it is an affront to human decency and dignity.  The reason secrecy has been maintained this long (over twenty documented years) is the promotion of a vicious reign of terror against any resistance or dissent. Anyone who knows anything is stalked and tortured until they crumble.  The clique in power are very cocky and obnoxious overlords, in the process of transforming the democracy into a farce. The group which has victimized me is little more than a ring of psychotic deviates who molest innocents for sadistic kicks--deriving some kind of insane satisfaction from intimidating helpless prey for spite. They have no consciences or internal limits, and brag about their amorality.  I believe they have been picking up women (and boys) for sexual reasons, afterwards driving them insane. They juice up on dope while they hold their prey captive. While they attempt to damage the victims' brains, they spew Nazi philosophy at them. I sometimes wonder if secret police (military) support exists--a suspicion derived from the fact that activities are never stopped.  These persons, who are terrorists, never face arrest, intimidating me without end.   In at least one area of the country (New York City) I have evidence of coordination with mental health authorities to entrap victims into insane asylums. This is of course after deliberately driving them crazy. What I have depicted is a brutal denial of the rights to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and security in their homes which are supposedly guaranteed to law-abiding Americans.  The thirteenth amendment prohibition against slavery is also violated.

If the technology were in the right hands (instead of the very wrong ones who hold it now), there might be a questionable need to expose it.   However, victims like myself have been subjected to cruel and unusual punishments. Like 26 years of constant telemetric tracking combined with efforts to induce psychological breakdown and persistent torture.  Persons like my clueless brother Bill subjected to what looks like illegal experimentation with extremely destructive effects--virtual loss of life which is the result of prolonged torture (and possibly psychosurgery).   Naïveté and weakness make the target all the more tempting, apparently.

Some of the perpetrators want to know if the human being can be completely robotized with psychological (and physical) breakdown methods, and they never know when to stop. Their big dream is to produce a mindless golem.  This is not expanding human potential in a positive way.

The technology is dangerous, yes.  But there is no excuse for the kind of abuse which has gone on.   People's lives have been destroyed.  The most innocent kinds of people too.  The need for secrecy is not sufficient justification. Unbefitting Civilized Man, if such could be said to exist.


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