Unsavory Social Elements Acquire ESP


Who is acquiring these ESP machines?  In many cases, sociopaths, sex offenders, drug users, and rings of violent pedophiles.  Have a look at a recent news story on the Internet and its slant.  Who is to say whether or not this child was pushed from behind by a group of sociopaths out to get kicks.  My particular tormentors got a decided boost from trying to provoke violence in their prey and often referred to Satanic worship, displaying a sort of hyperactivity maladjusted to the normal routines of life.   They were decided delinquents and frankly perverted.  My brother Bill during his victimization would spontaneously erupt in violence, smashing walls and furniture.  At the time, no member of our family had any comprehension or forgiveness.   I thought then that the cause was a brain abnormality or some form of psychomotor epilepsy.  After the same attackers targeted me, I began to gain an insight into what had been provoking this behavior and the intensity of the invisible tortures.  My victimizers repeatedly goaded me inwardly with torments and physical tortures unperceivable by outsiders, often out of sheer perversion.  They were obsessed with provoking a psychological breakdown in their victim--to leave the victim in no condition to bear any witness.  The crime has untraceability, aggravated by the fact that the police and the public have their guard down due to a complete lack of information.  The news story from Oregon follows.  It illustrates the damage that can be done, has been done:

Kinkel Told Psychologist Voices
Made Him Kill Parents and Classmates

By Jeff Barnard   Associated Press
EUGENE, Ore. — Comparing Kip Kinkel to the Unabomber, a psychologist said the teen-ager killed his parents and went on a deadly school shooting rampage because he was obeying voices in his head.

Child psychologist Bolstad said he was convinced Kinkel was psychotic, depressed and suicidal, and also suffers from paranoid schizophrenia

"I feel the primary thing causing him to kill was the voices," Orin Bolstad, a child psychologist who treats young killers in Oregon's juvenile prisons, testified Wednesday at Kinkel's sentencing hearing. "I don't think he is a killer separate from his mental illness."

Kinkel abandoned an insanity defense and pleaded guilty Sept. 24 to four counts of murder and 26 counts of attempted murder for the May 1998 slayings of his parents and two students at Springfield's Thurston High School. He also wounded 25 students and attempted to stab a detective.

Kinkel, 17, agreed to serve 25 years for the murders, but Judge Jack Mattison can extend the sentence to as much as 220 years.

Bolstad said Kinkel had been able to resist the urge to obey the voices for years. But he succumbed to the commands due to the stress of being discovered with a gun in his locker at school and his father's anger, the psychologist said.

Bolstad said he was convinced Kinkel was psychotic, depressed and suicidal, and also suffers from paranoid schizophrenia.

Though Kinkel cannot be cured, he said, he can be managed with anti-psychotic drugs and might someday be safely let out of prison.

Bolstad noted that Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski was an example of someone who was mentally ill but could still be clever and calculating.

"Are you aware Mr. Kinkel told several people he saw himself as the next Unabomber?" asked prosecutor Caren Tracy.

"I am," Bolstad answered.

Kaczynski, a Harvard-trained mathematician who became a forest recluse, pleaded guilty in January 1998 to mail bombings that killed three people and injured 23.

Kinkel referred to the three voices in his head as A, B, and C, saying they got louder and louder as they told him to kill his father after they returned home following Kip's expulsion from school, Bolstad said.

"A said, `You have to kill him. Shoot him,"' Bolstad quoted Kinkel as saying. "My dad was sitting at the (breakfast) bar. The voices said, `Shoot him.' I had no choice. The voices said I had no choice."

After he killed his mother, Kinkel said the voices told him to "Go to school and kill everybody. Look what you've already done," Bolstad said.

Kinkel told Bolstad he first heard the voices when he was 12 after getting off the school bus and standing in the driveway of his home looking at a bush.

"It said, `You need to kill everyone, everyone in the world,"' Bolstad said, adding that Kinkel told him the voices may have come from the devil, a satellite or a computer chip inserted in his head by the government.

During her testimony, Kristin Kinkel, 22, choked up and her brother wiped away tears as she read a letter to Judge Mattison asking that Kip have some hope of getting out of prison someday, adding her brother hoped to someday study law to help others.

"I believe what he needs is the hope that he has a chance of achieving these goals," she read. "I believe he is aware of the pain that he has caused, and is just as shocked as the rest of us that he was capable of such horror."

I can appreciate, though not condone, the empathy with Ted Kaczynski, because it is obvious to any victim with any lucidity at all that there is some form of technology behind what he/she is experiencing.  The directed energy beams are very palpable to a receiver.  The pain one is in could easily lead one to despise all technology, overlooking any possible positive applications or extensions of mankind's  evolution.   In the proper hands, who knows?...

It is imperative, however, to ban these weapons from the hands of violent criminals.  Law enforcement, moreover, should be granted the ability to intercept these communications for the purposes of law enforcement, under strict conditions.  One valuable spin-off could be a dramatic decrease in crime.

The criminal element doesn't want police to have an interception capability.  Organized crime is at the forefront of the secrecy movement, not (just) civil libertarians.  The issue has to be dealt with openly for public safety, and conclusions reached by a broad consensus of citizens, not a restricted few who can take advantage of the others. 

My perpetrators kept referring to their gangland ties and gang membership.  It is possible that foreign elements, or renegade domestic elements, who wish to destroy or dominate our society, could be arming street gangs deliberately in order to destabilize legitimate, duly appointed government, the government of laws enacted by the people's representatives.  It is important to keep these weapons out of the hands of criminals types who have psychopathy or psychotic deviation, the same way handguns should not be in the possession of convicted felons.

No one wants his life and free thought snuffed out for no sound reason without any due process, unjustly framed to appear insane when complaints are issued.


Another case from the state of California was posted on the web a while back and involves the sexual harassment of a black businesswoman.  Be prepared for a tale of horror (not for the squeamish).  It illustrates what can happen when crude sexual deviates get a hold of the ESP.   In many ways it reminds me of my own victimization, during which criminals were every bit as obnoxious.  I got it on the web at the site of Anathema Research, under Mind Control Letters*.  I saw a couple of my own Usenet postings there, which Doc Hambone is more than welcome to use, as is anyone else.  My purpose is, after all, to publicize as much as possible a legitimate problem which has nearly completely destroyed my life--a type of case for which there is no remedy unless there is the courage to publicly address the problem. 
Follow this link for a reproduction of the California case.

*The Anathema Research site apparently no longer exists, having been removed.  Its former address used to be http://www.fringeware.com/anathema/indexresearch.html .  It was avowedly devoted to "para-political, conspiracy, and fringe culture topics, including mind control."   My only objection was that there was the uncomplimentary and misleading implication that mind control is only fringe culture, rather than the very real and serious problem which I know it to be .  There were offerings of uneven value there.  However, the author of that site did some very comprehensive research on what is in the "known" (publicized) realm of the history of government mind control and presented it at that site.  Regrettably, it is gone.


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