The Dictionary of Phobias
There are many phobias (fears)that people suffer from, I believe the word comes from the greek word 'Phobos' which means 'Terror'. I have very rarely come across a list of all of these fears in one place, and this is by no means all of them, So here I present to you the List of PHOBIAS
The phobias: A
- Ablutophobia--Fear of washing or bathing
- Acousticophobia--Fear of noises
- Acrophobia--Fear of heights
- Aerophobia--fear of high objects or heights
- Agoraphobia--Fear of open places
- Agyrophobia- Fear of streets or crossing them
- Ailurophobia--fear of cats
- Algophobia-- Fear of pain
- Amathophobia--Fear of dust
- Androphobia--Fear of Men
- Anthophobia--Fear of flowers
- Anuptaphobia--Fear of remaining single
- Apiphobia--Fear of Bees
- Anthrophobia--fear of people
- Arachibutryophobia--Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth
- Arachnophobia--Fear of spiders
- Asthenophobia-Fear of weakness of fainting.
- Astraphobia--Fear of storms, lightning, thunder
- Ataxophobia--Fear of disorder or untidiness.
- Aulophobia--Fear of flutes
- Aurophobia--Fear of gold
- Autophobia--Fear of being alone
- Baccilophobia--Fear of microbes
- Ballistaphobia--Fear of bullets
- Batrachophobia--Fear of amphibians (eg frogs, salamanders, ect.)
- Bathophobia--Fear of Depth
- Belonephobia--Fear of pins and needles (What I just happen to be...)
- Botanophobia--Fear of plants
- Cacophobia--Fear of ugliness
- Cainophobia/Cainotophobia- Fear of new things, novelty, ect.
- Catoptrophobia--Fear of mirrors
- Ceraunopphobia--Fear of thunder
- Chemophobia--Fear of chemicals or working with them
- Chromophobia--Fear of certain colors
- Claustrophobia--Fear of enclosed places
- Clinophobia--Fear of beds
- Cometophobia--Fear of comets
- Coulrophobia--Fear of clowns
- Chronomentrophobia--Fear of clocks
- Cryophobia---Fear of ice or frost
- Crystallophobia--Fear of crystal or glass
- Cynophobia--Fear of dogs (or rabies)
- Decidophobia--Fear of making descisions
- Dendrophobia--Fear of trees.
- Dentophobia--Fear of dentists
- Domatophobia--Fear of being confined in a house
- Dutchphobia--Fear of the Dutch
- Dysmorphophobia--Fear of deformity
- Ecclesiophobia--Fear of church
- Entomophobia--Fear of insects
- Epistaxiophobia--Fear of nosebleeds
- Equinophobia--Fear of horses
- Ergophobia--Fear of work
- Gerontophobia--Fear of old people or of becoming old oneself
- Gephydrophobia--Fear of women
- Graphophobia--Fear of writing or handwriting
- Hadephobia--Fear of Hell
- Hagiophobia--Fear of sacred or holy things, or of Saints
- Heliophobia--Fear of the sun
- Hemotophobia--Fear of blood
- Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia--Fear of long words (...go figure)
- Homilophobia--Fear of sermons
- Hydrophobia--fear of water (often another name for rabies)
- Hypnophobia--Fear of hypnotism or of sleep
- Iatrophobia--Fear of doctors (Dr. Bald head! AAAHHH!!!!!)
- Iophobia--Fear of poison
- Isopterophobia--Fear of termites (wood eating insects)
- Judeophobia--Fear of Jews
- Katagelophobia--Fear of being ridiculed
- Lachanophobia--Fear of vegetables
- Leukophobia--Fear of the color white
- Mottephobia--Fear of moths
- Mysophobia--Fear of germs or contamination
- Necrophobia--Fear of corpses
- Nucleomitiphobia--Fear of nuclear bombs
- Nyctophobia--Fear of night
- Ochlophobia--Fear of crowds
- Ombrophobia--Fear of rain
- Optophobia--Fear of opening one's eyes
- Ornithophobia--Fear of birds
- Ouranophobia--Fear of heaven
- Pantophobia--Fear of fears
- Pathophobia--Fear of disease
- Peccatophobia--Fear of sinning
- Pediphobia--Fear of dolls or children
- Phasmophobia--Fear of ghosts
- Phobophobia--Fear of one's own fears
- Psychrophobia--Fear of cold
- Pupaphobia--Fear of puppets
- Pyrophobia--Fear of fire
- Rhabdophobia--Fear of being punished, criticized, or being beaten by a rod. This can also refer to fear of magic (magic wand).
- Samhainophobia--Fear of Halloween
- Sitophobia--Fear of food
- Sophophobia--Fear of learning
- Staurophobia--Fear of crosses or the crucifix
- Syphilophobia--Fear of syphillis
- Taphephobia--Fear of being buried alive
- Technophobia--Fear of technology
- Thalassophobia--Fear of the ocean
- Thanatophobia--Fear of death
- Tocophobia--Fear of pregnancy or childbirth
- Topophobia--Fear of performing (Stagefright)
- Traumatophobia--Fear of injury
- Trichophobia--Fear of hair
- Tropophobia--Fear of moving or making changes
- Tyrannophobia--Fear of tyrants
- Verbophobia--fear of words
- Vestiophobia--Fear of clothing
- Xenophobia--Fear of strangers
- Zoophobia--Fear of animals